About University

Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
Hardeep Chahal was selected for LEAP training programme for second-level academics by MHRD at CALEM, Aligarh Muslim University, December 2019 (December 15-31, 12019) and at Monash Business School, Monash University, Australia, February 2020 ( February 16-21, 2020) |
Hardeep Chahal was conferred with Prof Manubhai M Shah Memorial Award for Excellence in Commerce and Business Management (MMSMA 2019) by Indian Commerce Association at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar on 22nd December 2019. | |
Prof. Hardeep Chahal |
Best Reviewer Award, International Journal of Healthcare Quality and Assurance (2009) |
Commonwealth Fellowship for British Academy Awards for International Collaboration for Research, 2005 |
Visiting Fellow to Gandhi Institute of Business and Technology, Jakarta, Indonesia (October 1999 to May 2001). |
Prof. Gurjeet Kaur |
Won Prof Manubhai M Shah Memorial Award for Excellence in Commerce and Business Management (MMSMA) instituted by Indian Commerce Association in October, 2017. |
Outstanding Reviewer for the Journal of Global Marketing (Taylor and Francis) in 2017. |
Best Paper Award- Appropriating Strategic Orientations and Ambidextrous Learning, at 10th ISDSI Conference, December 28-30, 2016 organized by MET's Institute of Management, Nasik. |
Best Paper Award- Employees’ Perceptions of Total Quality Services in the Banking Sector, at International Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies: An Agenda for the Next Decade, December 15-16, 2012 organized by Punjab Technical University and University of North Carolina, USA at Amritsar. |
Highly Commended Paper Award from Marketing Intelligence and Planning, EMERALD for the year 2010. |
Dr. Jeevan Jyoti |
Gold medal for Best Business Academic of the Year (BBAY) Award in October 2010 at All India Commerce Conference held at Goa for the paper titled “Impact of Talent Management on Employee Effectiveness” |
Best Paper Award at International Conference on “Reinventing Management Strategy: The Design for Future (IC-RMS 2013)”, organised by IMS Ghaziabad sponsored by ICSSR on 30th Nov. 2013 for the paper titled “Impact of High Performance Human Resource Practices on Intention to leave: Role of Emotional Exhaustion” |
Best paper award at International Conference on “Contemporary Management practices: Creative or Dogmatic?” organised by Jagan Institute of Management Studies” on 6th February, 2015 for the paper titled “Impact of Transformational Leadership on Relational Identification and Satisfaction with Leader: Mediating Role of Leader Member Exchange ” |
Manubhai M. Shah Memorial Research Award (Gold Medal) at the ALL India Commerce Conference held at Osmania University, Hyderabad (20-22 Dec., 2018) for the paper titled “Role of Mentoring and Wellbeing between High Performance Work System and Intention to Leave”. |
S.No. |
Year |
Name of the award/medal |
National/ International |
Sports / Cultural |
Name of the Student |
1 |
2018 |
Senior National Championship |
National |
Sports (Basket Ball) |
Kanupriya Dubey |
2 |
2018 |
Inter College Championship |
National |
Sports (Boxing) |
Sanket Sharma |
3 |
2018 |
Inter College |
Culture |
Mehak |
4 |
2018 |
Inter College Championship |
National |
Sports (Badminton) |
Swati Malhotra |
5 |
2017 |
Inter College Championship |
National |
Sports (B.B.) |
Kanupriya Dubey |
Name | Designation | Qualification | Specialization | Contact Info. |
Dr. Gurjeet Kaur | Professor and Head, Department of Commerce | Ph.D., M.Phil, M.Com | Strategic Marketing, Marketing Research | E-mail: gurjeetkaur18@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419197802 |
Dr. Hardeep Chahal | Professor and Director ICccR-HRM | Ph.D., M.Phil., M.Com. | Marketing Management, Services management, Brand Management | E-mail: drhardeepchahal@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419192877 |
Dr. Jeevan Jyoti | Professor, DLL | Ph.D., M.Phil., M.Com. | Strategic Human Resource Management and Entrepreneurship | E-mail: jjyotigupta64@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9469170900 |
Dr. Tarsem Lal | Professor | Ph.D., M.Phil., M.Com. | Accounting and Finance | E-mail: tarsemju@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9469227677 |
Dr. Jyoti Sharma | Associate Professor | Ph.D., M.Com. | Marketing Management, Services Marketing | E-mail: reachedjyoti@yahoo.co.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419795432 |
Dr. Sunil Kumar | Assistant Professor | Ph.D., M.Com. | Marketing Management and Taxation | E-mail: sunil25287@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9697563041 |
Dr. Harleen kaur | Assistant Professor | Ph.D., M.Phil., M.Com. & P.G.D.H.R.M. | Human Resource Management and Finance | E-mail: harleenudaychoudhary@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419148390 |
Dr. Rupa Mahajan | Lecturer | Ph.D., M.Phil., M.Com. | Marketing and Finance | E-mail: rupamhjn23@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419184983 |