The government of India has notified National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 on July 29, 2020 based on Dr. Kasturirangan committee’s report. The objective is to have holistic and multidisciplinary under-graduate education to produce employable graduates with integrated personality.

The University of Jammu in sync with the academic and administrative reforms recommended in NEP 2020 has designed a FOUR YEAR UNDER GRADUATE PROGRAM – DESIGN YOUR DEGREE from the Academic Session 2023-24. The main purpose of this program is to foster an environment of self – discovery and exploration so that the students can identify their true calling and build a fulfilling career.

The guiding principal of this program is based on Mimansa School of Philosophy i.e.

“Knowledge without Action is Meaningless”

The motto of the program is:

Teach to Transform,


Educate to Empower,

Learn to Lead

This program is learner- centric and is, therefore, subject to continuous evaluation. It will inspire every student to bring out the best capability by letting them listen to their inner calling and respond to the challenges so that they can become responsible citizens. This program will reach out towards innovative methods of technology-aided learning in creating its distinctiveness. Another distinctive feature of the program is the dynamic nature, where the curriculum of the program shall be upgraded as per the feedback of the students/ faculty and resource persons. The program is focused to empower the students and make them future ready by way of access to a wide range of resources and opportunities, including internships, research projects, and extracurricular activities that will help them to build their skills and expand their network. It will try to enable them to access resources, find gainful employment, venture into entrepreneurship and creativity and mainly find fulfilment in whatever field they adopt in integrating mind, body and heart. The program makes a paradigm shift from creating job seekers to job providers.

  1. TITLE

Skill , Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (SIIEDC) is University of Jammu entity created through University Council resolution vide UCR No. 87.67 in January, 2023 as a unified platform to undertake various skill, innovation, incubation and entrepreneurship based initiatives/training programs/capacity building programs in a synergized manner and provide these courses to the enrolled students. It is an innovative knowledge platform which is intending to offer an innovative Four year Under Graduate Program- Design your Degree to allow the students to explore and pursue their interests and passion.


These regulations shall be called “Statutes Governing Four Year Undergraduate Program - Design your Degree” with Multiple Entry and Exit Options under “National Education Policy (NEP) 2020” for the University of Jammu and shall be implemented from the Academic Session 2023-24.


The undergraduate academic program governed by these statutes shall be of four years duration (Annexure–I) with multiple entry and exit options with appropriate Certifications/Diplomas/Degrees namely,

  1. Certificate in Skills will be awarded upon the successful completion of the First Year (Two Semesters). Students who opt to exit after completion of the first year must secure minimum 40 credits. In addition, they will complete one-month Internship/Field Project of minimum 04 credits during the summer vacation of the first year. These students are allowed to re-enter the degree program within three years and complete the degree program within the stipulated maximum period of seven years.
  2. Diploma in Skills will be awarded upon the successful completion of the Second Year (Four Semesters). Students can opt to exit after completion of the second year after securing minimum 80 credits in aggregate and after completing one-month Internship/Field Project of minimum 04 credits during the summer vacation of the second year. These students are allowed to re-enter within a period of three years and complete the degree program within the maximum period of seven years. Students who intend to continue and complete the degree will complete mandatorily Internship/Field Project of minimum 08 credits by the end of third year of the program.


  1. Bachelor’s Degree in the Major Discipline at the successful completion of the Third Year (Six Semesters),securing minimum 156 credits in aggregate and 60 credits in Core as Major, 12 Credits in Core as Minor and 4 credits as Internship.
  2.  4-Year Bachelor’s Degree(Honours): A four-year Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) in the major discipline will be awarded to those who complete four-year degree program with minimum 198 credits in aggregate with 94 credits in Core as Major, 20 Credits in Core as Minor and 4 credits as Internship.
  3.  4-Year Bachelor’s Degree (Honours with Research): Students who secure 75% marks and above in the first six semesters and wish to undertake research at the undergraduate level can choose a research stream in the Major Subject in the fourth year. They should do a research project under the guidance of a mentor. The students, who secure minimum 198 credits in aggregate, including 12credits from a research project, will be awarded Bachelor’s Degree (Honours with Research).

 (i) MAJOR COURSE (MJ): A major course as discipline specific core course is the field in which a student focuses during the course of his/her degree and the degree will be awarded in that discipline. Students should secure the prescribed number of credits (60 credits for Bachelor’s Degree and 94 credits for 4-Year Bachelor’s Degree ) through core courses in the major discipline.

 (ii) MINOR COURSE (MI): Students should secure the prescribed number of credits(24 credits for Bachelor’s Degree and 32 credits for 4-Year Bachelor’s Degree) through core courses in the Minor discipline. 50%minor courses can be opted from any Core relevant subject/discipline and rest 50% from any Multidisciplinary Courses/ Foundation Courses as per student’s choice.

FOUNDATION COURSES) (MDC): A framework of Multidisciplinary Courses of 80 credits (20 credits in each semester) will be compulsory for all students in Semesters I to IV. These courses will be executed in project mode. These semester-long projects shall be carried out in groups of 5-8students under the guidance of a mentor.These courses include Multidisciplinary Foundation Courses, Ability Enhancement Courses, Skill Enhancement Courses and Value Added Courses. These Courses are designed to provide students with a broad-based understanding of various disciplines before they specialize in a particular field. These courses will expose students to wide range of disciplines including humanities, social sciences and natural sciences which will help students to explore different areas of knowledge and discover their passions and interests.

(iii)MULTIDISCIPLINARY COURSES FROM OTHER DISCIPLINESMultidisciplinary Foundation courses will promote holistic learning by  encouraging students to think critically, solve problems and make connections across different fields of study. These courses will encourage interdisciplinary thinking where students will learn to apply concepts and methodologies from one field to another. The skill will help in solving real-world problems. 

(iv) ABILITY ENHANCEMENT COURSES (AEC): These are generic skill courses aimed to enhance skills in communication, language. The courses aim at enabling the students to acquire and demonstrate the core linguistic skills, including critical reading and expository and academic writing skills, that help students articulate their arguments and present their thinking clearly and coherently and recognize the importance of language as a mediator of knowledge and identity. They would also enable students to acquaint themselves with the cultural and intellectual heritage. The courses will also emphasize the development and enhancement of skills such as communication, and the ability to participate/conduct discussion and debate.

 (v) SKILLENHANCEMENT COURSES (SEC): Skill enhancement courses are aimed to promote skills pertaining to a particular field of study. The purpose of these courses is to provide students life-skills in hands-on mode so as to increase their employability/self-employment.

 (vi) VALUE ADDED COURSES (VAC): Value added interdisciplinary courses are to enhance the standard of the students beyond specified academic curriculum.

 (vii)  PROJECT BASED COURSES: Project based courses will be introduced from Semester I onwards. These courses would be optional from Semesters I to IV and thereafter these courses would be discipline specific and, therefore, part of Core Courses.  Project based courses in Semesters I to IV can be included as Major or Minor core Courses depending upon trajectory of the Student. Project based Courses would trace the academic trajectory of a student. Project based course is a course involving application of knowledge in solving /analyzing /exploring real-life situation/difficult problems/data analysis etc.

Students choosing 4-Year Bachelor’s degree (Honours with Research) are required to take up Research Project under the guidance of a mentor. The students are expected to complete the Research Project in the eighth semester. The research outcomes of the project work may be published in peer-reviewed journals or may be presented in conferences /seminars or may be patented.


  (viii) PROGRAM: ‘Program’ means this course of study leading to the award of a certificate/diploma/degree in a subject.

(ix)      COURSE: “Course” refers to a paper having specified credits which is a component of a program in a subject. The courses define the learning objectives and learning outcomes. A course may be designed to comprise lectures/classroom activities/tutorials/laboratory work/field work/outreach activities/project work/summer internship etc. or a combination of some of these.

(x)       ACADEMIC WEEK: “Academic Week” is a unit of five/six working days during which distribution of work is organized as six to eight contact hours on each day. Each semester shall consist of at least 15weeks of study with 90 working days.

 (xi) CREDIT: Credit is the weightage given to each course of study. It is the numerical value assigned to a course according to the relative importance of the contents and the contact hours required to teach the prescribed syllabi of the program.

As per prescribed UGC standards

  1 credit = 15 hours for Theory/Tutorial

1 credit = 30 hours for Practicum/Lab work/Community engagement and services/Project Work/ Field work 

The instructional days as worked out by the UGC for one academic year are 180 days i.e. 90 days per semester.


 (xii) DISCIPLINE: This refers faculty viz. (i) Basic Sciences (ii) Life Science (iii) Arts and Social Sciences (iii) Commerce and Management (iv) B.Tech. ( IT).

(xiii) UNIVERSITY means the University of Jammu.

(xiv)  DURATION OF THE PROGRAM: The undergraduate degree shall be either of three years or four-year duration, with multiple entry and exit options within this period. The students can exit after the completion of first year (two semesters) with the certificate; diploma after the completion of second year (four semesters) and regular bachelor degree after the completion of third year (six semesters). A candidate who successfully completes a three-year bachelor degree with minimum 75% marks and wishes to pursue the fourth year of the under graduateprogrammeshallbeallowedtocontinuetheprogrammetoobtainthebachelor degree with honours / honours with research.

(xv)ACADEMIC BANK OF CREDIT (ABC) : The Academic Bank of Credit, a national-level facility, will promote the flexibility of the curriculum framework and interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary academic mobility of students across the higher education institutions (HEIs) in the country with an appropriate "credit transfer" mechanism. It is a mechanism to facilitate the students to choose their own learning path to attain a degree/ diploma/certificate, working on the principle of multiple entries and exits as well as anytime, anywhere, and any level of learning. ABC will enable the integration of multiple disciplines of higher learning leading to the desired learning outcomes including increased creativity, innovation, higher-order thinking skills and critical analysis. ABC will provide significant autonomy to the students by providing an extensive choice of courses for a program of study, flexibility in curriculum, novel and engaging course options across a number of higher education disciplines/ institutions.

The multiple entries and exit options for students are facilitated at the undergraduate levels. It would facilitate credit accumulation through the facility created by the ABC scheme in the "Academic Bank Account" opened for students across the country to transfer and consolidate their credits by undergoing courses in any eligible HEIs. The ABC allows for credit redemption by commuting the accrued credits in the Academic Bank Account maintained in the ABC to fulfil the credits requirements for awarding certificate/diploma/degree by the authorised HEIs. Upon collecting a certificate, diploma or degree, all the credits earned till then, in respect of that Certificate or degree shall be debited and deleted from the account concerned. HEIs offering programs with multiple entries and exit systems need to register in the ABC to enable acceptance of multidisciplinary courses, credit transfer, and credit acceptance.

The validity of credits earned will be for a maximum period of seven years or as specified by the Academic Bank of Credit (ABC). The procedure for depositing credits earned, its shelf life, the redemption of credits would be as per UGC (Establishment and Operationalization of Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) scheme in Higher Education) Regulations, 2021.


The candidates who have secured minimum 60% (55% in SC/ST categories) marks in 12th class are eligible to apply for this program. The test to be conducted by SIIEDC, University of Jammu, shall have 3 components: Logic & Reasoning (50 marks), General English (25 marks) and General Awareness (25 marks). The weightage of the entrance test in the composite score is 60 %.

The merit for admission shall be calculated on the basis of the composite score obtained by the candidate in the (i) Academic component (12th Class), (ii) Entrance Test,(iii) Group Discussion and (iv) Personal Interview which shall be displayed on the JU website/ SIIEDC Website (Table 1). The candidates who secure less than 30 marks in the composite score are not eligible for admission to the program.

Admission shall be made directly by the admission committee on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate as mentioned in Table 1. Admission criteria, preference as well as the reservation policy shall be governed according to the guidelines adopted by the University of Jammu.






Explanation Remarks


Academic  12th


Academic score shall be allotted on pro rata basis.


Entrance Test


As per the Schedule notified by the University of Jammu, a candidate is required to take Entrance test on General Awareness, Aptitude (logic & reasoning) and General English.




Group Activity/



To be conducted in groups


Personal Interview




To be conducted individually for each candidate.

Candidates shall be called for group discussion and personal interview in the ratio of 1:3 based on the combined score of S. No. 1 & 2.






Admission Committee:

Admission of all candidates to the programme shall be made by the Admission Committee consisting of the following:

  1. Director, SIIEDC    ---- (Convener)
  2. Any five faculty members associated with the Design your Degree program (FYUGP-DYD).

Admission Committee to be approved by the Dean Academic Affairs in consultation with the Vice Chancellor


 English shall be the medium of instruction and examination in all courses except in Oriental Classical, Modern Indian Languages and Music where the medium of instruction and examination shall be the language concerned.


Outcome Based Learning Approach

UG Program ‘Design Your Degree’ is designed in such a way that students will be engaged with society, identifying the problems and working towards their solutions through innovative thinking and intervention approaches, thereby bridging the gap between academia and society. The program will be executed in project mode from 1st to 4th semesters (compulsory). These semester-long projects shall be carried out in groups of 5-8students under the guidance of a mentor. The enrolled students can also earn additional credits in the discipline of their choice in project mode to meet the requirements for their major/minor courses (Table 3).

  1. Classroom processes must encourage rigorous thinking, reading and writing, debate, discussion, peer learning and self-learning.
  2. The emphasis is on critical thinking and challenge to current subject orthodoxy and develops innovative solutions. Curricular content must be presented in ways that invite questions, not as a body of ready knowledge to be assimilated or reproduced. Faculty should be facilitators of questioning and not authorities on expertise. They shall be the mentors to the students.
  3. Classroom pedagogy should focus on the ‘how’ of things, i.e. applying theory and ideas. All courses, including social sciences and humanities, should design projects and practical to enable students to get relevant hands-on experiences.
  4. Learning must be contextual to ensure no sense of alienation from their context, country and culture.
  5. Classroom processes must address issues of inclusion and diversity since students are likely to be from diverse cultural, linguistic, socio-economic and intellectual backgrounds.
  6. Cooperative and peer-supported activities must be part of empowering students to take charge of their own learning.
  7. Faculty will have the freedom to identify and use the pedagogical approach best suited to a particular course and student.
  8. Pedagogies like PBL (Problem/Project Based Learning) shall be brought into practice as part of the curriculum. Experiential learning and internship with a specified number of credits is mandatory.
  9. UGC suggests implementing Blended Learning Mode (BL) as a new mode of teaching-learning in higher education. BL is not a mere mix of online and face-to-face mode, but it refers to a well-planned combination of meaningful activities in both modes. The blend demands consideration of several factors, mainly focussing on learning outcomes and the learner-centred instructional environment.


The evaluation scheme for the program is as follows:

  1. One credit is equal to fifteen (15) hours of learning.
  2. Marks allocated for two (2), four (4) and six (6) credit course shall be 50, 100 and 150 respectively.
  3. Evaluation shall be based on the performance and presentations of project-related activities, project report(s) and other activities.
  4. Seventy percent (70%) of the weightage would be given to group activity and 30% to the individual performance.



The student seeking admission to Four Year Under Graduate Program – Design Your Degree is required to submit the prescribed forms along with requisite fee for the:

(i)First and second semester courses at the time of seeking admission to first semester;

(ii)     Third and fourth semester courses at the time of seeking admission to the third semester;

(iii)    Fifth and sixth semester courses at the time of seeking admission to the fifth semester

(iv)  Seventh and eighth semester courses at the time of seeking admission to the seventh semester.

      Note: The students are allowed to re-enter the degree program within three years




The admission of students to FYUGP-DYD in odd and even semesters shall be as per academic calendar issued at   the start of the semester by SIIEDC, University of Jammu after prior approval from the competent authority.

No candidate whose result of 12th class examination has been modified after re-evaluation shall be admitted to the semester-I of four years under graduate programs after the expiry of last date of admission.



No student shall be admitted to more than one program at a time.





A candidate to be eligible for admission to the four year undergraduate program FYUGP-DYD must have passed the higher secondary part II examination (10 + 2 pattern) of the Jammu and Kashmir state board of school education, CBSE or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto.

Preference would be given to the candidates who have passed in the above examinations from the UT of Jammu & Kashmir with not less than 60% (55% for SC/ST).


Candidates seeking admission after having been admitted as students of another board incorporated by law for the time being in force, shall not be registered unless their applications for registration are accompanied by a migration certificate from the previous Board.


  (i) The Director SIIEDC shall forward to the Controller of Examinations three copies of registration returns (RR) containing the name and other particulars of each student admitted or re-admitted for a particular program in that college in Semester I, III, V and VII as the case may be, within 30 days after the last date of admission, on the prescribed Performa along with the fee prescribed by the University from time to time.

If the name of a student is struck off from the rolls, such fact shall immediately be reported to the Controller of Examinations.

(ii) Supplementary Registration Returns: SIIEDC can submit the enrolment list of those students in Even Semester in subsequent year, which have been unable to appear in the previous even semesters due to:

  1. Shortage of Attendance.
  2. Fails in Internal Assessment in one or more than 1 paper.

Note:  Examination Fee and Admission Cancellation Fee shall be applicable in such cases.


For first count of 10 days after the last date prescribed i.e. after 30 days after last date of admission with late fee of Rs.100/- per candidate be charged. For another count of 10 days delay, Rs.200/- per candidate shall be charged. Thereafter, no registration return shall be accepted and the sole responsibility for non-determination of eligibility of such candidate shall lie on the part of the SIIEDC. The fee may vary as is revised and notified by the University from time to time.


The registration fee as prescribed by the University shall be paid once only irrespective of the number of times the candidate appears at the examinations of the University either as a student or an ex-student of an affiliated college or the offsite campus or the department of the University or any recognized institution, or as a private candidate. No further fee for registration shall be charged, unless a student's name is, for any reason other than legitimate migration, struck off from the rolls of a college or the offsite campus or the department of the University or any recognized institution, in which case he/she shall pay the fee prescribed by the University to have his/her name re-entered in the register of students.


The Controller of Examinations shall maintain a register of all students registered in the University. In this register, name of each registered student, his/her parentage, permanent address, date of birth based on the certificate of the matriculation/higher secondary or any other recognized examination passed by the candidate, the dates of admission or re-admission and/or leaving any college, every pass or failure in a University examination with his/her number, migration, any University scholarship, medal or prize won by or any punishment awarded to the student shall be recorded.

Each entry in the register of students shall be attested by an officer of the University authorized in this behalf. No one shall be admitted to any examination of the University unless he/she has been registered as a student of the University.


  Any registered student may, at any time, receive certified copy/copies of all the entries relating to him/her in the register of students on payment of the prescribed fee for each copy.


Any candidate who participates in games, cultural and other co-curricular activities as defined below with the prior approval of the Director concerned shall, for the purpose of condoning deficiency in attendance incurred by him/her on account of such participation, be treated as present on all the working days during the days of his/her absence on such account for a period of 15 working days in a semester program subject to maximum of 30 working days in a year.

 (a)      State representation in international/all India competitions organized by agencies which are recognized by the board of sports and youth welfare.

(b)       Participation in the inter-University competitions held under the auspices of a University or any other recognized institution as a member of the University team.

(c)        Participation in the inter-college competitions organized by the University as a member of the team of participating institutions.

(d)       Participation in the N.C.C., N.S.S. and National Integration Samiti activities as a member of recognized Institutions.

(e)        Participation in the coaching camps/rehearsals prior to participation as a member of state or University team in the national/all India/ inter- University competitions.

 (f)       Participation in the mountaineering/hiking/trekking/skiing/rock-climbing or other such activities organized under the auspices of the UT Government/University as a member of the institution affiliated/recognized by the University.

Note: For outstanding cases (requiring attendance waiver due to duty beyond 30 days in a year) special permission may be sought from the Vice Chancellor / competent authority on the recommendation of the Director SIIEDC.

20.   Research Project

Project work is considered a unique course involving applying knowledge in solving/ analyzing / exploring a real-life situation/ complex problem/ data analysis. Project work has the intention to provide research competencies at the undergraduate level. It enables the acquisition of special/advanced knowledge through support study/a project work. This course is applicable to students in 8th semester of undergraduate research program. The following mechanism shall be adopted for completion of the project:

  1. Admission to Honors with Research Program (4th year, 7th Semester) shall be on the basis of the cumulative score (75% marks and above in the first five semesters) and subject to availability of permanent faculty with doctoral degree and infrastructure.
  2. Research Project work (12 credits) shall be started at the beginning of 7th Semester.
  3. There shall be a Project Synopsis in the program based on the major area/subject. The permanent faculty with Ph.D. and research experience (as per UGC guidelines) shall be the research project supervisor after being recognized by the Departmental Research Committee (DRC) of the Nodal Department.
  4. The project report/dissertation shall be evaluated by the external expert to be nominated by the Dean of the Faculty out of the panel supplied by the Mentor and Head of the Department where student completed the Research Project.
  5. Project proposal to be scrutinized by the Department Research Committee of the Department where Research Project is submitted.
  6. In the 8th Semester, Evaluation of Dissertation shall be offline and Viva-Voce shall be either offline or online as per the convenience of the examiner. The Dissertation evaluation shall be carried out by an external expert.

Research Project    = 12 credits

Dissertation             = 08 credits (200 marks)

Viva/presentation    = 04 credits (100 marks)

  1. In 8th Semester, one of the Courses in the Major should be:

Research Methodology and Research Ethics   = 06 credits

Note : A separate guideline shall be issued with regard to the payment of remuneration to the external expert for evaluation of the Research project.


Following is the nomenclature of courses to be used for Four Years Undergraduate Program-Design Your Degree NEP 2020.



(a)  For Semesters I to IV: UFDDPCXYZ where

U = Undergraduate

F = Foundational Course

DD = Design Your Degree (Program Title)

P = Project/Theory

C = Compulsory

X = Semester Code (e.g. 1 for semester one)

YZ = Course number (e.g. 01 for course one)

(b)  For Semesters V to VIII: UMDDPCXYZ where

U = Undergraduate

M = Major

DD = Design Your Degree (Program Title)

P = Project/Theory

C = Compulsory

X = Semester Code (e.g. 1 for semester one)

YZ = Course number (e.g. 01 for course one)


  • Refer Table 3 for multi- disciplinary/ AEC/ SCC/ VAC

A candidate shall have to opt the subjects from 5th semester as per course frame work. A major/minor course can be chosen as any subject from any discipline   (Annexure I).


The syllabi and courses of study for MULTI-DISCIPLINARY COURSES  and CORE COURSES shall be prescribed by the academic council on the recommendations of the MULTI-DISCIPLINARY Board of Studies of Design your Degree Program.



Notwithstanding the foregoing, any amendments / modifications issued or notified by the University Grants Commission/ higher education commission of India and its verticals such as national higher education regulatory council, general education council or the state government, from time to time, shall be deemed to have been incorporated into these regulations and shall constitute an integral part of these regulations with the approval of competent authority.


The Director, SIIEDC shall furnish the examination forms of the enrolled students to the Controller of Examinations within 21 days from the date notified by the Controller of Examinations.


Payment of Examination Fee as per Fee applicable shall be made by SIIEDC for its students at the time of submission of RR in case of Odd semester and at the time of submission of Enrolment List in case of Even Semester.



The minimum Grade/Marks (%) required to pass each paper under FYUGP shall be40% marks in continuous assessment Individual and Group component put together. For summer internship, research project/ dissertation, passing criteria is 40% marks.


Following is the procedure to compute the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA):

      1. The SGPA is the ratio of the sum of the product of the number of credits with the grade points scored by a student in all the courses taken by a student and the sum of the number of credits of all the courses undergone by a student, i.e.


Where Ci is the number of credits of the ith course and Gi is the grade point scored by the student in the ithcourse.

Example for Computation of SGPA




Letter Grade

Grade point

Credit Point

(Credit x Grade)


Course 1




3X8= 24


Course 2




4X7= 28


Course 3




3X6= 18


Course 4




3X 10 =30


Course 5




3X5= 15


Course 6




4X6= 24










      1. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is also calculated in the same manner taking into account all the courses undergone by a student over all the semesters of a program, i.e.

CGPA=∑(Cix Si)/∑Ci

Where Si is the SGPA of the ith semester and Ci is the total number of credits in that semester.

Example for Computation of CGPA




















CGPA=6.73(21 x6.9+22x7.8+25x5.6+26 x6.0+26x 6.3+25 x8.0)/145



The description of the marks converted into Grade points and Grades awarded, in a particular course/paper can be calculated with the help of Table 2.

    Table 2: Letter Grades and Grade Points

Marks (%)

Letter Grades

Grade Point (G)

Result/Class Description


O (Outstanding)  



80 to < 90

A+ (Excellent)


First Class Exemplary

70 to < 80

A (Very good)


First Class Distinction

60 to < 70

B+ (Good)


First Class

55 to < 60

B (Above Average)


High Second Class

50 to < 55

C (Average)


Second Class

36 to < 50

D (Pass)


Pass Class

0   to < 36

F (Fail)




AB (Absent)






The University Ranks, Gold-Medals, Scholarships etc., shall be awarded as per the regulations to be issued by the University later on.


Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, the Vice-Chancellor shall, for a period of three years from the date of coming into force of these regulations, have the power to provide by order that these regulations shall be applied to any program with such modifications as may be necessary.


With a view to remove any difficulty arising out of the application and implementation of these statutes, the Vice-Chancellor shall be competent to give final interpretation of these statutes which shall be final and binding on all concerned.

32.    Issuance of Degree:

 A candidate who is declared to have qualified all the six/eight semesters of four years under graduate program shall be awarded a degree in a particular discipline as per UGC specification of Degrees.

33.   Entitlement of Awards of Scholarship/Prize/Medal

The University Ranks, Gold-Medals, Scholarships etc., shall be awarded as per University rules and regulations.

34.  Refund of fee:

The fee deposited by the student shall be refunded as per the University norms.


35.  Cancellation of admission

In case of any Discrepancy with regard to the admission of any candidate coming to the notice and knowledge of the University, which is outside the purview of the Statutes governing admissions to the course, the University reserves the right to cancel the admission of such a candidate at any stage and such a candidate shall be precluded from pleading equity later on.

All legal disputes relating to the program shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Jammu only.











Table 3


Courses: Multi-Disciplinary/AEC/SEC/VAC



UFDDPC101Understanding the world through Data Lens (4)

UFDDPC102 Mathematics without Phobia (4)

UFDDPC103 IT in Everyday Life (4)

UFDDPC104 Expressing Creativity (4)

UFDDPC105 Exploring the Surroundings (4)

UFDDPC106 Life Skills (2)



UFDDPC201 Coding through GPT4 (4)


UFDDPC202 World of Start Ups through Real Life Studies (4)

UFDDPC203Decoding the world through AI (4)

UFDDPC204 Discovering the Self (4)

UFDDPC205 Art & Aesthetics of Designing (4)

UFDDPC206 Responsible Citizenship through Experimentation (2)



UFDDPC301Does the world revolve around Economics (4)

UFDDPC302 Social Innovations (4)

UFDDPC303 Art and Science of Communication (4)

UFDDPC304 Understanding the Challenges of Climate Change (4)

UFDDPC305 Technologies of the Future (4)

UFDDPC306 Developing equipoise of mind and body (2)



UFDDPC401Digital Humanities (4)

UFDDPC402 Demystifying Human Behaviour (4)


UFDDPC403 Food as Medicine: Traditional and Modern Practices (4)


UFDDPC404 Exploring Tourism in J&K: An Entrepreneurial Perspective (4)

UFDDPC405 Exploring the World of Cinema with Smart Phones (4)

UFDDPC406 Marvels of the World (2)



Note 1: One month compulsory summer internship of 4 credits for the students who wish to exit after the completion of 1st / 2nd year shall be awarded a certificate/diploma in skills. Those students who wish to continue the program after 2nd year shall have to earn 8 credits trough   internship/project by the end of 3rd year of the program.

Note 2 : The requirements of the UGC document table 2 dated Dec 2022 from serial nos. 3 to 7 will be met out of these courses.

Semester      Major & Minor Courses along with Research Projects as per NEP 20202     Project    Credit




501 (6)


502 (6)


503 (6)


504 (6)



Total Credits




601 (6)


602 (6)


603 (6)


604 (6)



Total Credits




701 (6)


702 (6)


703 (6)


704 (6)



Total Credits





801 (6)

Research Methodology & Ethics


802 (6)


     803 (6)


804 (6)



Total Credits



Honours with Research


801 (6)

Research Methodology & Ethics


802 (6)


806 (12)

Research Project








List of subjects and disciplines for the Four Years Undergraduate Program (FYUGP-DYD) under National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

I.  Science


  1. Biotechnology
  2. Botany
  3. Chemistry
  4. Electronics
  5. Environmental Science
  6. Geography
  7. Geology
  8. Mathematics
  9. Physics
  10. Statistics
  11. Zoology


II. Arts and Social Sciences


  1. English/English Literature
  2. Hindi/Hindi Literature
  3. Dogri
  4. Psychology
  5. Economics
  6. Sociology
  7. Political Science
  8. History
  9. Music
  10. Public Administration


III. Commerce& Management


  1. Commerce
  2. Management
  3. Tourism


IV. B.Tech (IT)