The Centre for Women’s Studies (CWS), University of Jammu, in collaboration with the Centre for Women’s Development Studies (CWDS), New Delhi, organized an online session to observe the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The session was based on the UN's theme for this year: “Every 10 Minutes, a Woman is Killed. #NoExcuse. Unite to End Violence Against Women.” This initiative was part of a nationwide campaign involving 16 universities across India to mark the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.

Prof. Abha Chauhan, Director, Centre for Kashmir Studies, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, and Former Head, Department of Sociology, University of Jammu, and Prof. Savita Nayyar, Director, Centre for Women’s Studies, University of Jammu, were the resource persons.

Prof. Savita Nayyar inaugurated the discussion by underscoring the significance of gender activism and addressing the deep-rooted gender biases and violence prevalent in society. Speaking on the theme “Breaking the Cycle: Responses to Violence and Strategies for Prevention,” she explored critical issues such as domestic violence, sexual harassment, dowry-related deaths, and female foeticide. Prof. Nayyar also highlighted legal provisions available to safeguard women’s rights, such as the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act and the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act. She emphasized the importance of awareness and proactive measures to combat these challenges effectively.

Prof. Abha Chauhan, the second speaker, presented her views on “Violence Against Women in J&K: Systematic and Structural Discrimination.” She shared data illustrating the increasing incidence of violence against women in Jammu and Kashmir and discussed international conventions aimed at empowering women and eliminating gender-based violence. Using case studies, she emphasized the need to document women’s voices to ensure visibility for marginalized groups and advocated for dismantling patriarchal structures to achieve societal transformation.

The program began with a welcome address by Dr. Saranjit Kaur, faculty, Centre for Women’s Studies, who expressed gratitude to CWDS New Delhi and Prof. Manimekalai for their support and collaboration. The event, planned under the guidance of Prof. Savita Nayyar and her team, attracted enthusiastic participation from across India, including a significant contingent from the University of Jammu.

Participants engaged actively, raising numerous queries that were addressed comprehensively by the resource persons. The session concluded with a formal vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Kunzang Angmo, faculty, Centre for Women’s Studies, while Dr. Saranjit Kaur moderated the proceedings.