A troop from Tamil Nadu visited the Directorate of Sports and Physical Education, University of Jammu, as part of the Government of India's initiative “Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat.” The event was organised to foster a sense of unity, cultural exchange, and national integration among students and faculty members of the university.

The troop presented a vibrant showcase of Tamil Nadu’s rich cultural heritage, which provided a unique insight into the traditions of South India. They highlighted the diversity and unity that the initiative aims to promote while offering a platform for students to experience different regional cultures.

The visitors were attended by various dignitaries, including Dr. Daud Iqbal Baba, Director of the Directorate of Sports and Physical Education, University of Jammu, in the presence of Dr. Mandeep Singh, Mr. Vimal Kishore, Sh. Ravish Vaid, Sh. Jai Bharat, S. Harinderpal Singh, Mr. Rishiv Sharma who welcomed the troops and expressed the importance of cultural exchange in strengthening the bond between different regions of the country. Dr. Daud Iqbal Baba emphasised that such initiatives help students appreciate the richness of India’s diverse cultural fabric and encourage mutual respect among states.

During the visit, they also had the opportunity to explore the sports infrastructure and facilities available at the Directorate of Sports and Physical Education, University of Jammu, gaining insights into the various sports activities.

This exchange program was an enriching experience for all those involved and reflected the true spirit of "Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat," fostering unity and inclusivity through cultural awareness and engagement.