The students of the Department of Sericulture, Poonch Campus embarked on a 15-day educational tour to South India, starting December 16-31, 2024. The journey offers a unique opportunity to explore and understand the sericulture industry across India’s southern states.

4722509While flagging off the tour, Prof. Rakesh Vaid, Director, Poonch Campus, extended his best wishes to the students and faculty. Reflecting on the importance of such visits, he remarked, “Experiencing the diverse sericulture practices in South India will enrich the students’ theoretical knowledge and equip them with practical skills essential for their future success in this field.”

Dr. Rubia Bukhari, Incharge, Department of Sericulture, who is also accompanying the students, emphasized the importance of experiential learning. According to her, the real-world exposure this tour offers will help students bridge the gap between classroom learning and on-the-ground practices. “Our students will get firsthand experience of industry advancements, interact with experts, and observe modern sericulture techniques that will greatly enhance their understanding and career prospects,” she said.

The tour itinerary includes visits to leading Sericulture Research Institutes, silk reeling factories, and silk markets, where students will interact with professionals and observe the latest innovations in the field. By engaging directly with industry leaders, the students will gain practical insights into the techniques and challenges of the sericulture sector.