Student volunteers/ buddies for Disability Initiatives

                        (Year 2024-25)

The following research scholars and students have been nominated to serve as volunteers/ peer buddies for the Disability Initiatives of the University. Students with disabilities in need of assistance are encouraged to contact these volunteers:

1. Ms. Vinish Malik (Scholar, Dept. of Home Science)- 9086353733 (Mobile)

2. Ms. Meghna Sharma (Scholar, Dept. of Home Science)-9541038482 (Mobile) 

3. Ms. Purvi Verma (Scholar, Dept. of Home Science)-9797439529(Mobile)

4. Mr. Lokesh Dogra (Research Scholar, Dept. of Sociology)-8899943406 (Mobile)

5. Ms. Tanisha Jain (Student, Dept. of Home Science)- 7006392095 (Mobile)

6. Ms. Sunaina Sharma (Student, Dept. of Home Science)-8899179845 (Mobile)

7. Mr. Arun Singh (Student of Sociology)-7051319061 (Mobile)

8. Mr. Vineet Sharma (Student, Dept. of Law)- 6006491076 (Mobile)

9. Ms. Janve Sharma (Student, Dept. of Dogri)- 8493079667 (Mobile)

For additional assistance, Students with disabilities may also contact the undersigned at                                                      

Student volunteers/ buddies for Disability Initiatives