Research paper/ scholarly article will be considered for publication only if manuscripts fall within the ambit of aim and scope of the Journal. The research paper/ scholarly article would be accessed on the basis of: 

a) Originality

b) Relevance

c) Quality of research

d) Research contribution and applied significance.

The Journal does not levy submission/publication charges. Further, the author shall be given a complimentary contributor’s copy of the Journal.

University of Jammu owns the Copyright© of the research papers/ scholarly articles published in Researcher. Research papers/ scholarly articles published in the Researcher should not be reproduced/ reprinted in any form without prior written permission from the Convener, Publication Cell, University of Jammu.

Disclaimer: The views experienced in the research papers/ scholarly articles in the Researcher do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the University of Jammu.


This Journal operates a double-blind peer review process. All contributions are initially assessed by the Editorial Board for suitability for the Journal. Research paper/ scholarly article deemed suitable is sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers to assess the quality of the paper/article. The Editorial Board is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance, revision, or rejection of research paper/ scholarly article based on the reviewers' comments. The Editorial Board's decision shall be final.


  • The submitted research paper/ scholarly article is a privileged communication and reviewers must treat it as confidential.
  • The reviewer must not (or allow anyone else to) retain/copy or share the research paper/ scholarly article with any one without the explicit permission of the editor.
  • The reviewer shall not disclose his/her identity and the review outcome with anyone other than the editor of the Journal.
  • The reviewer must return the reviewed research paper/ scholarly article within two weeks from the date of the receipt.

Evaluation Criteria: The criteria or evaluating a research paper/ scholarly article encompasses the evaluation of the attributes as given in the following (research paper / research article) review form:


Rankings:Please use the symbol () to indicate your assessment

(5= Excellent, 4= Good, 3= Average, 2=Poor, 1= Very Poor, NA= Not applicable)



Key Evaluation Parameters







Originality of the work



Contemporaneity of the subject



Contribution to existing knowledge



Adequacy  of empirical/theoretical background



Appropriateness of the research methodology



Citation and referencing as per the style



Analysis and inferences



Legitimacy of the conclusions



Applied significance



Organization of the research paper/ scholarly article



Quality of the communication in terms of use of language.



Appropriateness for publication


Reviewers Detailed Comments (Reviewers may use separate sheet)

  1. Reviewer to comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the research paper/ scholarly article.
  2. Additional inputs to the author on how he/she can make the topic more meaningfully aligned to the discipline specific requirement.
  3. General comments for improving/adding, references, clarifying data analysis, structure and format, language editing, etc.


  • Authors should submit only unpublished original research paper/ scholarly article that has not been submitted for publication or published elsewhere. A declaration by the author(s) should be made that the paper has not been sent elsewhere for publication. It should be made on separate sheet with the title of the research paper/ scholarly article, name(s) of the author(s)/ co-author(s), full postal address for correspondence and signature.
  • Any research paper/ scholarly article which is found to be plagiarized or if is having text match above the standards as fixed by the Editorial Board will be rejected out rightly. Authors are required to scan submissions using plagiarism detection software before submission of research article. Plagiarism (Urkund) report of more than 10% will lead to rejection of the paper. The author shall bear the full responsibility if any malpractice is detected. Authors involvement in any of the following will be treated as malpractice:

a. Falsification of data

b. Plagiarism

c. Improprieties of authorship

d. Misappropriation of ideas of other scholars

e. Violation of generally accepted research practices

f. Material failure to comply with legislative and regulatory requirements affecting research

g. Inappropriate behavior / correspondence

In such cases the decision of the Editorial Board shall be final and binding.

Note:  Authors must assign copyright@ of the research article in favour of the Journal Researcher.

Note:Authors are advised to avoid biased language and subjective comments/opinion that don't in any way pertain to the research problem.