About University

Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
B.A LL.B Course is of five years duration and degree shall be awarded to the candidates on successful completion of ten semesters of the study. The degree aims to harness the capacity and capability of students through Teaching, Research, Moot-Court/Mock Trials, Project Presentations/Report writing, Clinical Legal Work, Institutional visits, internship with Advocates and Judges, amongst others, so that after successful completion of the degree, students develop adequate advocacy skills that will enable them to pursue a professional career at Bar, competing for judicial and administrative services and absorption in the corporate sector and other allied services.
The Law School, University of Jammu imparts instruction through lectures, seminars, tutorials, workshops, class discussion and interactive sessions. The Courses also includes assignments, Court Visits, Chamber Visits and Moot Courts, Institutional Visits, Research Paper Writing, Outreach Activities like Internships, Legal Aid/Legal Literacy Camps/Project Report writing/Field Study etc. to develop research, analysis and writing skills.
The students are required to be regular to the classes and expected to have not less than 75 percent attendance.
Award of Marks for Attendance :
Five marks for each course, unless prescribed otherwise, shall be allotted for attendance. Break up of marks for attendance is as follows:
e) 75 – 79% 1 mark
The schedule of presentation of the assignments shall be finalized by the Head of the Department in consultation with the teacher concerned and shall be notified to the students accordingly. However, internal assessment shall be evaluated by the teacher teaching the subject. A student who fails to submit/present the assignment on the scheduled date due to some emergency, one more chance may be given to such student for presenting the assignment, as the case may be, by the Head of the Department. Oral presentation shall be made by the students at the end of the session to the faculty concerned on a date to be fixed by the Head of the Department. After evaluation the teacher concerned shall submit the result to the Head of the department.
The evaluation method for each clinical legal course shall be designed as follows:
shall be assessed by an external examiner through viva voce and 05 marks for class attendance.
The question paper of each course shall be divided into two sections. Section I of the question paper shall be Compulsory question comprising of 4 short answer type questions (not more than 200 words each) of 4 marks each (one question from each unit) of the course. Section II shall comprise of 8 questions of 16 Marks each covering the entire course with internal choice in each Unit and students shall be required to attempt four questions from Section II, selecting one question from each Unit. The students shall have to attempt five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Name of Subject |
Course Code |
Objectives/Outcomes |
General English – I |
BALLB501 |
The course seeks to enable students to comprehend legal texts by reference to methods of literary interpretation, analysis and critique. The fictional situations presented in literature enhances the potential of students to analyse and interpret political and social situations so as to think critically about complex topics from different perspectives. |
Political Theory |
BALLB502 |
The course intends to enable students to understand the nature of Political Science and different approaches to Political Science along with the concepts of State, Sovereignty, Democracy and Civil society. |
Sociology – I |
BALLB503 |
The course intends to acquaint students with the basic concepts and themes in Sociology. |
Ancient and Medieval Indian History |
BALLB504 |
The course seeks to enable students to understand the evolution of administrative institutions besides development phases of the Indian Society and its economy during early India. |
Microeconom ics |
BALLB505 |
The course seeks to enable students to demonstrate an understanding, usage and application of basic economic principles, demand and supply, elasticity and marginal utility and to appraise various models of how markets are organized and how markets that fail to use resources efficiently create unintended effects. |
Law of Torts |
BALLB506 |
The objective of this paper is to equip students with knowledge of tort and consumer protection law with the help of leading cases. After completing the course, students will be able to apply course concepts and principles in a practical context. |
Name of Paper |
Course Code |
Objectives/Outcomes |
General English – II |
BALLB551 |
The students would be able to communicate and deal with clients and other professionals across culture. To have transnational legal awareness and transcultural linguistic awareness so as to have transferable skills. |
Comparativ e Politics |
BALLB552 |
The course seeks to enable students to know the working of different forms of government, the organs of government, Political Parties, Interest groups, Pressure groups, Public opinion, Representation and Social Movements. |
Sociology – II |
BALLB553 |
The students would be able to examine the features of Indian society and consequences of social change in India at macro-level patterns that sociologist have analysed as significant over time, such as the movement to an increasingly rationalised, bureaucratized form of society. |
Modern India |
BALLB554 |
The course enables students to understand the main strands of the National movement and other narratives going on outside the national movement such as Gender, Caste and Conservation of Indian Heritage. |
Macroecono mics |
BALLB555 |
The course enables students to define concepts related to national income and compares/calculation methods of national income, to relate factors determine national income such as consumption, saving and investment, and to interpret macroeconomic issues such as money, foreign exchange, inflation, unemployment, economic growth and foreign trade. |
Contract Law– I |
BALLB556 |
The objective of this paper is to make students familiar with various principles of contract formation enunciated in the Indian Contract Act, 1872. After completing the course, students will be able to apply general and special knowledge of remedies for breach of contract and enforcement of contract. |
Name of Paper |
Course Code |
Objectives/Outcomes |
English Literature |
BALLB601 |
The course enables students to understand enduring issues as explored in literary and legal texts by reference to methods of literary interpretation, analysis and critique. It also aims to extract implications with regards to future teaching methods, scholarship and interpretation of legal texts, to practically think and discuss the use of legal rhetoric and to understand text’s role in defining human experience. |
Indian Politics: Institutions |
BALLB602 |
The course aims to enable students to understand the Philosophy and basis of Indian Constitution, Nature and Working of Indian Parliament, Indian Party System, Indian Interest Groups and Indian Judicial System. |
Sociology – III |
BALLB603 |
The course aims to enable students to understand sociological and psychological explanations of crime and grasp the fundamentals of criminology. |
Indian Legal History |
BALLB 604 |
The course seeks to enable students to understand the evolution of law and development of Legal Institution in India from earliest times till 1947. |
Indian Economy |
BALLB605 |
The aim of the course is to enable students to develop an understanding of the basic characteristics of Indian economy, its potential on natural resources. To understand the importance, causes and impact of population growth, translate and relate them with economic development. It also focuses on the importance of planning and economic reforms undertaken by the Government of India. |
Contract Law – II |
BALLB606 |
This paper aims to impart knowledge of various special contracts, law of agency to students. The course enables the students to better appreciate the legal services required in a corporate office so that he can enhance his relevance as a lawyer in society. |
Legal Methods I |
BALLB607 |
The course aims to familiarise students with the basic concepts of law and legal system so as to demonstrate an ability to locate, identify and analyze the sources of law in a legal system. |
Name of Paper |
Course Code |
Objectives/Outcomes |
Political Thought |
BALLB 651 |
The course enables students to understand the Political Thought of different thinkers with respect to the concepts of State, Justice and Law. |
Law of Crimes – I |
BALLB 652 |
The course has been so designed as to enable the students to understand the general principles of criminal liability and to identify the ingredients of an offence. After completing the course, students will be able to learn about the various essentials which make an act punishable and also the different stages of crime. |
Property Law and Easement |
BALLB 653 |
The subject aims to expose students about concepts and principles of Property law. After the study of property law students will be able to deal with the transfer of immovable property. They will be capable of applying the various rules governing the transfer of property. |
Constitutional Law – I |
BALLB 654 |
The objective of this paper is to expose and enable the students to understand the concept and idea of various Constitutional Principles. After completing the course, students will be in a position to apply the Constitutional Principles in their legal professions. |
Family Law – I |
BALLB 655 |
The course seeks to provide knowledge of fundaments of personal laws and to analyze and study in-depth laws relating to Marriage, Divorce, Maintenance, Guardianship and Adoption and to give an overview of Muslim and Hindu law in its historical and evolutional perspective. On the completion of the course the student is expected to know, appreciate and apply the course concepts and principles in the regulation of social life and related court cases. |
Legal Method – II |
BALLB 656 |
The course aims to develop skills that law students need for effectively researching and using cases, statutes and other legal material, provides familiarity with legal structures, processes and institutions, develops understanding of the processes of law-making by legislative, judicial, administrative and informal law-making bodies. At the end of the course the student will be able to demonstrate an ability to locate, identify and analyze the sources of law in a legal system, conduct case law analysis, |
develop an understanding of the role of courts and legislatures and other administrative organs, approach legal issues in a structured manner and frame response to the issues as a lawyer would do. |
Name of Paper |
Course Code |
Objectives/Outcomes |
Political Theory And Processes |
BALLB701 |
The course intends to enable students to gain knowledge about modern concepts used in political science and the different political processes |
Public International Law |
BALLB702 |
The subject aims to enable students to learn about basic concepts and theories of International law. By the end of the course, students should be able to understand the basic doctrines and concepts of public international law, critically discuss the limits and potentials of international law as a technique of public policy and analyze contemporary issues from the perspective of International Law. |
Criminal Procedure Code |
BALLB703 |
The present course intends to acquaint the students with the various pre-judicial and judicial procedures. Further it will expose the students with the rights and duties of those proceeded against and the powers, duties and restraints on those administering the criminal judicial process. After the completion of the course the students will be able to appreciate the Criminal Justice System and apply the concepts and principles in their professional lives. |
Constitutional –II |
BALLB704 |
The objective of this paper is to expose students about concepts and basic cannons of Constitutional law, Rule of Law and Separation of Powers. After completing the course, students will be in a position to appreciate the spirit of Constitution and apply the principles in their legal professions. |
Family Law-II |
BALLB705 |
The course intends to acquaint the students with critical and comparative study of Personal laws of Hindus and Muslims governing intestate succession including their diversities, similarities, affinities and paradoxes. It comprehensively covers the law of succession and deals with debts and bequest (wasiyat), hiba (gift) and Muslim law of inheritance. After the completion of the course the student is expected to know, appreciate, and apply the course concepts and principles in their profession and social life. |
Clinical Legal Education – I |
BALLB706 |
The course aims to familiarise the students with the basic concepts of law and legal system and demonstrate an ability to locate, identify and analyze the sources of law in a legal system. |
Name of Paper |
Course Code |
Objectives/Outcomes |
International Politics |
BALLB751 |
The subject aims to acquaint the students with the nature and approaches to International Politics along with some important concepts of International Politics. |
Jurisprudenc e |
BALLB752 |
The course aims at providing fundamental knowledge and exposure to the concepts, theories and sources of Law. After successful completion of the course the students will be able to apply course concepts and theory in a practical context. |
Criminology And Penology |
BALLB753 |
The course is intended to introduce students to the broad study of criminology. It is to give a broad overview to the scope of criminology and penology to the ideas which have influenced the area of the subject and to the practical uses and impact to which these have been or might be put. After successful completion of the course students will be in a position to appreciate and apply the concepts in practice. |
Human Rights Law |
BALLB754 |
The objective of this paper is to expose students about the concept, idea and enforcement of Human Rights. After successful completion of the course the students will be in a position to appreciate and apply the concepts and theory in a practical regime. |
Labour And Industrial Law – I |
BALLB755 |
The objective of this paper is to expose students about concepts and issues of Labours, the legal framework of Trade Union and Industry. After the study of course the students will able to make use of law for engineering a fair deal for labour through changes in legislation and its interpretation by Courts. |
Clinical Legal Education – II |
BALLB756 |
The course aims to develop skills that law students need for effectively researching and using cases, statutes and other legal material, provides familiarity with legal structures, processes and institutions, develops understanding of the processes of law-making by legislative, judicial, administrative and informal law-making bodies. To demonstrate ability to locate, identify and analyze the sources of law in a legal system, conduct case law analysis, develop an understanding of the role of courts and legislatures and other administrative organs, approach legal issues in a structured manner and frame response to the issues as a lawyer would do. |
Name of Paper |
Course Code |
Objectives/Outcomes |
Media and Law |
BALLB801 |
The course aims at providing fundamental knowledge and exposure to the concepts and development of law in relation to media in India. After successful completion of the course the students will be able to appreciate the role of media and society and evaluate the contours of media autonomy and its censorship. |
Civil Procedure Code And Limitation Act |
BALLB802 |
The objective of this paper is to expose students about concepts and develop fundamental understanding of concepts and principles of Civil Procedure Code. After successful completion of the course the students will be able to develop expertise in the institution/preparation and presentation of civil suits as legal experts in the civil matters. |
Labour And Industrial Law II |
BALLB803 |
The objective of this paper is to familiarize the students about the concept and idea of Social Security and to apprise the students about various Social Security Legislations dealing with Workmen Compensation, Maternity Benefit, and Minimum Wages etc. After successful completion of the course the students will be able to appreciate and apply the concepts and principles in legal profession. |
Law of Evidence |
BALLB804 |
The course aims to provide students with detailed knowledge and skills in the rules of evidence and procedure as they apply to civil and criminal law. Knowledge of the rules of evidence will enable analysis and evaluation of evidence available in connection with the preparation of a case for trial. Upon successful completion of the course the students will be able to define and analyze the concept and general nature of evidence and apply the rules of evidence law. |
Professional Ethics and Professional Accounting System |
BALLB805 |
The objective of this paper is to expose students to the history, ethics and regulations governing Legal Profession. After successful completion of the course the students will be able to apply the principles in their professional lives. |
Name of Paper |
Course Code |
Objectives/Outcomes |
Insurance Law |
BALLB851 |
The course aims to develop the fundamental understanding of students about concepts and idea of Insurance and apprise them about basic principles of Insurance. After completion of the course the students will be able to appreciate and apply the concepts and principles in practice. |
Company Law |
BALLB852 |
The subject aims to expose students about concepts and idea of Corporate Personality. On completion of this course, learners will be able to appreciate the relevance of company law to individuals and businesses and the role of law in an economic, political and social context. |
Cyber Law |
BALLB853 |
The course attempts to enable the students about the cyber revolution, its various applications, and the use of law in regulating the use and misuse of Cyber Communications. After the completion of the course the students will be able to understand, explore, and acquire a critical understanding of Cyber Law. It will develop competencies for dealing with frauds and deceptions and other cyber crimes. |
Banking Laws |
BALLB854 |
This course aims to provide student basic understanding of legal and regulatory aspects of banking, various new trends in the Banking System such as e-banking, smart cards, ATM and the new economic crimes and frauds committed through this system. |
Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancin g |
BALLB855 |
The objective of the course is to develop fundamental understandings of the Pleadings among students and to train them about practical aspect of presentation. After completion of the course the students will be able to draft the petitions and file any kind of applications or proceedings before any court or tribunal. |
Name of Paper |
Course Code |
Objectives/Outcomes |
Taxation Law |
BALLB901 |
This course aims to provide students an overview of the basic structure of direct and indirect tax laws and the key concepts in the field. At the end of this course the students will be able to analyse taxes apply the concepts in their profession. |
Administrati ve Law |
BALLB902 |
The subject aims to expose students about concepts and idea and various principles of Administrative Law. After the completion of the course the students will be able to apply administrative law principles to resolve practical problem and recognizing the way in which statutory context influences the application of these principles. |
Local Laws |
BALLB903 |
The course aims to develop the fundamental understanding of students about the various local laws and to apprise them about land laws, Revenue laws and revenue Courts. The students at the end of this course will be well acquainted with the local laws relating to land which are applicable in Jammu and Kashmir. It will help them to deal with the cases of civil nature in the courts. |
Environmen tal Law |
BALLB904 |
The objective of this paper is to expose students to the concepts and idea of Environmental law and its cannons. After the completion of the course the students will be aware about the problem of environmental pollution and laws as a means of prevention of environmental pollution and protection of environment. The students will be able to understand and apply the provisions under the Indian Constitution and various legislations for protection of environment as legal experts. |
Alternate Dispute Resolution |
BALLB905 |
The objective of this paper is to expose and develop the understanding of students about the concept, basis and process of Arbitration and Conciliation. After successful completion of the course the students will be able to apply course concepts and principles in a practical context. |
Name of Paper |
Code |
Objectives/Outcomes |
International Humanitarian And Refugee Law |
BALLB951 |
The course aims to enable the student to understand the concept and development of Humanitarian law and various principles related to the subject. After completion of the course the students will be able to appreciate and evaluate the legal framework and the application of Humanitarian and Refugee Law. |
Women And Law |
BALLB952 |
The objective of the course is to enable the students to understand the need and specific aspects of legislations dealing with rights of women. After the completion of the course the students will be able to apply the concept and principles of these legislations to safeguard the interest of women in practical aspects. |
Interpretation Of Statutes |
BALLB953 |
The course aims at providing fundamental knowledge and exposure to the rules and principles governing statutory interpretation. After successful completion of the course the students will be able to explain, distinguish and apply a range of tools and techniques of the interpretation of Laws. |
Intellectual Property Law |
BALLB954 |
The objective of this paper is to expose and develop the understanding of students regarding various aspects of Intellectual property and the changing dimensions of IPR. After successful completion of the course the students will be able to appreciate the registration of intellectual properties like patents and trademarks, its infringement, and remedies so that they be able to work as Patent and trademark agents. |
Moot Court
Exercise And |
BALLB955 |
This paper aims to inculcate the basic advocacy skills amongst the
students so that after the completion of the course the students will |
Internship |
know how to appear before the court and learn the intricacies of trials and get practical knowledge about the legal provisions and their applicability in the real life situations. |
Name | Designation | Qualification | Specialization | Contact Info. |
Prof. Seema Rohmetra | Professor & Director, The Law School | Ph.D (Political Science) | Gandhian Thought | E-mail: srohmetra1@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419196243 |
Dr. Monica Narang | Associate Professor | LLB,LLM,,PhD (Law) | Law(Natural Justice),Human Rights | E-mail: monicanarang@yahoo.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419136148 |
Dr. Seema Sharma | Associate Professor | PhD | Women and law, Internally displaced persons and family law | E-mail: seemasharma.law@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419142307 |
Dr. Shubha Vats | Assistant Professor | M.A, PhD | 20th century American noval | E-mail: shubhapadha@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 7006480144 |
Dr. Bindu Sangra | Assistant Professor | B.Sc,LLB, PGDHR(Human Rights)LLM,NET,PhD | Constitutional Law, ADR & RTI | E-mail: bindusangra@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419221675 |
Dr. Monika Bhardwaj | Assistant Professor | B.Sc,LLB,LLM,NET,PhD | Environmental laws | E-mail: monarinki2176@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419112633 |
Dr. Palvi Mathavan Puri | Assistant Professor | LLB,LLM,NET,PhD | Bussiness Law(Cyber law,IPR,Company Law) | E-mail: mathavan.palvi@yahoo.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9858211111 |
Dr. Renu jamwal | Lecturer | PhD | Consumer Protection | E-mail: renujamwal.ju@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9796486870 |
Dr. Mrinalini Attrey | Lecturer | M.A,NET,PhD | Cultural Heritage | E-mail: mrinalini.atrey@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419185268 |
Dr. Upasana Sharma | Lecturer | LLB,LLM,NET,PhD | Constitutional Law | E-mail: harsh.vph@yahoo.co.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419215739 |
Dr. Vandita Sharma | Lecturer | B.Sc,LLB,LLM,NET,PhD | Family Laws, Women & Law | E-mail: vandita1979@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419112278 |
Dr. Ramesh Kumar | Lecturer | M.Phil, PhD, NET-JRF | Sociological Theory, Sociology of Religion, Cultural Studies | E-mail: rk20408@gmail.com, drrameshkumar@jammuuniversity.ac.inEPABX: Mobile No.: 9596714501 |
Dr. Rajneesh Khajuria | Lecturer | PhD | Human rights and police | E-mail: rajneeshkhajuria@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419187247 |
Dr. Nitan Sharma | Lecturer | BALLB, LLM, PhD,UGC-NET, SET | Human rights and Environmental Law | E-mail: nitansharmaadv@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9682300090 |
Ms. Rubia Wani | Lecturer | M.A, Ph.D | Economics | E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: |
Dr. Hamid Rasool | Lecturer | PhD, UGC-NET | Political Theory | E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: |