About University

Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
Extension and Outreach Activities:-
The students of M.Sc. Sericulture frequently visits the Sericulture practicing farmers of this region during spring and autumn rearing season and help them in solving the problems that the farmers face. The students share their scientific knowledge with the farmers who are very keen to learn the scientific art of silkworm rearing and selection of some good cocoons for onward rearing besides counseling of farmers in the field, extension of packages of practices for mulberry cultivation and transfer of technology from lab to land etc. This is one of the more important aspects given to the fact that Mulberry Cultivation and Silk is one of the focus areas of the newly announced Jammu and Kashmir Industrial Development Policy.
Cultural Events :-
Students of Poonch campus excelled in academics by securing 100% result every year. In addition to academics, PCJU bagged no. of awards and recognitions to its credit including 2nd position in Sangam Youth Festival 2022, as well as Sangam Youth Festival 2023 PCJU bagged 1st position in Rangoli, Painting, Skit, and 2nd position Solo Dance, and 1st position in Poonch Link-Up Day 2023 etc
Research Oriented Activities:-
Campus possesses a well-established Mulberry Germplasm Bank and Model Vermicomposting Unit at campus site in addition to the basic lab facilities for research purpose. Silkworm rearing being the most important part of the course, is conducted during spring and autumn season for skill development.
In 2023, Poonch Campus organized a national level conference on “Current scenario & Future Prospects of Sericulture (CS&FPS)-2023”.
NSS Activities:-
Poonch Campus is successfully running an active NSS unit for overall development of its students.