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Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
Course No: PSECTC101
Title: Microeconomics
Course Outcome:
1. To understand economics as a coherent whole, and to reinforce its usefulness through the applications to the real-world problems and their solutions.
2. To learn demand and supply phenomena, consumer and producer behaviour, and the markets and its functioning.
3. To equip students to characterize the market (decide which market or markets best suit the problem being analyzed, and identify the decision makers - buyers and sellers who interact there).
4. To enable students to describe the conditions necessary for equilibrium in the market, and a method for determining that equilibrium.
5. To enable students to determine and explore how events or government policies change the market equilibrium.
6. To help the students learn how to think like economists, and in a very natural way so that they see economics as a unified whole, rather than as a series of disconnected ideas.
Course No: PSECTC102
Title: Macroeconomics
Course Outcome
1. To understand macroeconomic theoretical structure for the proper comprehension of different issued and policies.
2. To learn the various approaches to National Income and accounts.
3. To familiarize the students with the theory of consumption functions and Investment function.
4. To study various theories of Business Cycles and Macro Economic Policy.
5. To study and compare the Keynesian and Neo- classical perspectives on macroeconomic issues.
Course No: PSECTC103
Title: Mathematical Methods in Economics
Course Outcome:
1. To train the students the use of mathematical tools to understand concepts in economics presented in the form of mathematical models and express economic ideas in the same form.
2. To enable the students to utilize the tools in subsequent courses especially those courses where the use of mathematics has become a norm.
Course No: PSECTC104
Title: Development Economics
Course Outcome:
1. To comprehend the evolution of the concept of economic development and economic growth.
2. Able to learn about the role of market and states in the process of economic development.
3. To get familiarize with the different indicators and measures of development and development gap.
4. To make the students aware of importance of relationship between population, poverty and environment.
5. To learn various models and theories of economic growth and development and to reinforce its usefulness through the applications to the real-world problems and their solutions.
6. Able to gain the factual knowledge about the sectoral contribution in the process of economic development.
7. Able to get the procedural knowledge about different investment criteria for developing countries like India.
Course No: PSECTC201
Title:Advanced Microeconomics
Course Outcome:
1. To introduce students to various theories of distribution, welfare economics, general equilibrium in closed systems, choice under risk and uncertainty.
2. To get familiarize with new developments in the theory of markets and economics of information.
3. To learn to apply Mathematical tools in the special economic situations.
Course No: PSECTC202
Title: Advanced Macroeconomics
Course Outcome:
1. Understand, explain and constructively criticise well-known macroeconomic models
2. Evaluate the extent to which well-known macroeconomic models can explain real-world data and macroeconomic experiences
3. Use well-known macroeconomic models to illuminate current debates about macroeconomic policy
4. Read and understand original research articles about macroeconomics in academic journals
Course No: PSECTC203
Title: Statistical Methods
Course Outcome:
To train students in the use of statistical tools and techniques that will help the students in data collection, presentation and draw inferences about various statistical hypotheses.
Course No: PSECTC204
Title: Indian Economic Policy
Course Outcome:
1. To acquaint the students in a comprehensive manner with different aspects of Indian economy.
2. To understand various policy issues and measures to understand economic initiatives for improving economic development and growth, agriculture and industry, planning of the different sectors of the economy and the place of Indian economy in the international level particularly after economic reforms are covered.
3. To sharpen the analytical faculty of the students to understand the whole system of Economic Policy in India.
Course No: PSECTC301
Title: International Economics
Course Outcome:
1. To provide a deeper and wider understanding about the principles and theories, which govern the free flow of trade in goods, services and capital between the countries.
2. To prepare the students to appreciate the relevance and limitations of the theories and principles of international trade.
3. To covers the empirical evidence of various theories, welfare implications and gains from trade.
Course No: PSECTC302
Title: Theory of Economic Growth
Course Outcome:
1. To give overview of the determinants of growth.
2. To understand the role of various factors of production, technology, money as well as the policy implications of the various models of growth.
Course No: PSECTE303
Title: Demography
Course Outcome:
1. To make the students aware of importance of population in economic development, various theories of population, growth and distribution of population in developed and developing countries including India.
2. To enlighten the students on fertility and mortality aspects of population dynamics.
3. To equip the students about general characteristics of the population and its importance.
4. To enable the students deals comprehensively with migration and urbanization in context of structural change in the society.
5. To impart a comprehensive knowledge of various theories that explains growth of population in a country and other aspects as migration and urbanization.
6. To train the students to understand demographic data base in India, methodology and characteristics of census, population and development with reference to India and various issues related to population policy of India.
Course No: PSECTE304
Title: Industrial Economics
Course Outcome:
1. To have a detailed knowledge about the Framework and Problems of Industrial Economics.
2. To familiarize with the Market Structure, Innovation &Industrial Location Analysis.
3. To acquire the ability to analyse Market Conduct & Its Implications for Public Policies.
4. To understand and distinguish the concepts of Industrial Productivity, Industrial Efficiency.
5. Understand about the Investment Decisions and Methods of the Project Evaluation.
Course No: PSECTE305
Title: Transport Economics
Course outcome:
1. To have a detailed knowledge about the Framework and Problems of Industrial Economics.
2. To familiarize with the Market Structure, Innovation &Industrial Location Analysis.
3. To acquire the ability to analyse Market Conduct & Its Implications for Public Policies.
4. To understand and distinguish the concepts of Industrial Productivity, Industrial Efficiency.
5. Understand about the Investment Decisions and Methods of the Project Evaluation.
Course No: PSECTE306
Title: Econometrics – I
Course Outcome:
1. To gain knowledge about the application of economic theory and understand various economic relationships and econometrics methods.
2. To learn various tools for understanding applied economic relationships and for meaningful research in economics.
3. To equip the students with basic theory of econometrics and relevant applications of the methods.
4. To analyse and get equipped with various problems faced in estimation of both single equation and simultaneous equations methods
Course No: PSECTE307
Title: Environmental Economics
Course Outcome
1. To make the students aware of importance of economy, environment and economic growth and future of economic growth and sustainable development.
2. To enlighten the students on the theory of environmental externalities and resource allocation, property rights and allocation of non-renewable resources.
3. To develop comprehensive skills in environmental valuation techniques, ecological economics and sustainability.
4. To train the students to pursue research and writing on environment and development issues.
5. To equip the students to understand and apply environmental accounting and resource flow analysis in future research and writing.
Course No: PSECTE308
Title: Financial Economics
Course Outcome:
1. To study the structure and objectives of the financial market.
2. To familiarize with the structure of financial market and the contents of financial assets.
3. To learn basic concepts, functions and tools of the financial market: securities, currency, loans, precious metals and precious stones.
4. To Understand the challenges of uncertain environment of financial markets, assess them and take appropriate financial and investment decisions.
Course No: PSECTE309
Title: Agricultural Economics
Course outcome:
1. Able to get the factual knowledge about the nature and scope of agriculture economics.
2. Able to understand the different models for agricultural development and price and marketing of agricultural products.
3. Able to identify and provide solution to different risks and uncertainty involved in agriculture sector.
4. Able to comprehend production function analysis and its application in agriculture.
5. Able to get the factual knowledge about the concept of agriculture marketing and estimation of marketing efficiency.
Course No: PSECTE310
Title: Mathematical Economics
Course outcome
To equip students to understand the economic concepts and theories using mathematical tools and techniques to refine verbal logic.
Course No: PSECTE401
Title: International Political Economy
Course outcome:
1. To understand the broad principles and theories, which tend to govern the free flow of trade in goods, services and capital-both short-term and long term - at the global level.
2. To prepare the students about the relevance and limitations of various theories and principles of international political economy.
3. To examine the impact of the trade policies on economic development.
Course No: PSECTE402
Title: Demography and Climate Change
Course outcome:
1. To make the students aware of population dynamics and climate change in global perspective and in the context of developing countries.
2. To equip the students to pursue research and writing on water and land, disasters and displacement, health and environment.
3. To train the students to apply the knowledge gained in understanding the gender dimensions of climate change and its impact on women, children and youth.
4. To apply the knowledge imparted in gender mainstreaming in resource management.
5. To make students deal comprehensively with migration and urbanization in context of climate change and adaptation and mitigation aspects in urban planning.
6. To train the students to understand relationship between population and resource sustainability, demographic divide and sustainable development and role of communities in stabilizing climate and climate adaptation.
Course No: PSECTE403
Title: Urban Economics
Course outcome:
1. To examine the organization of Urban Centers through the lens of economics, where the nature of cities is decided by various economic agents acting in self-interest.
2. To understand and analyze the role of the government in the various sectors that concern the city and its residents
Course No: PSECTE404
Title: Public Economics
1. To learn about the role and functions of the government in an economy.
2. To understand the policies and operations which involve the use of tax and expenditure measures.
3. To train the student about the budgetary policy and basic problems of use of resources, distribution of income etc.
4. To acquaint the student to vast array of physical institution - tax systems, expenditure programs, budgetary procedures, stabilization instruments, debt issues, level of governments etc, which raise a spectrum of issues arising from the operation of this institutions.
5. To gain insights into the existence of externalities, concern for adjustment in the distribution of income and wealth etc require political processes for their solution in a manner which combines individual freedom and justice.
6. To thoroughly understand fiscal institution with a careful analysis of the issues which underlined Budgetary policies in general and Indian experience in particular.
Course No: PSECTE405
Title: Economics of Capital Market
Course outcome:
1. To gain insights into capital markets through formal education.
2. To understand capital market structure and importance of capital market in resources and to create the awareness among the students about various instruments of capital market.
Course No: PSECTE406
Title: Economics of Innovation
Course outcome:
1. To examine the drivers of innovation and its contribution to the growth of firms, industries, and economies.
2. To explores the links between intellectual property rights and innovation and growth.
3. To apply tools and concepts from microeconomics, macroeconomics, and theory with empirical analysis drawn from the Developed and Developing World
4. To introduce students of economic policy to the processes that drive innovation.
5. To explored the role of the state in investing in research and development as well as in creating a strong intellectual property regime and the impact it has in creating incentives to innovate.
6. To understand the social returns of innovation and its impact on the nature and magnitude of employment as well as the legal issues surrounding international treaties on intellectual property.
Course No: PSECTE407
Title: Health Economics and Policy
Course outcome:
1. Able to provide a basic overview of the health care industry with emphasis on the economics involve in medical care delivery.
2. Able identify various factors that influence the demand and supply for health and health care.
3. Able to understand and evaluate the economics of health care decision making.
4. Able to analyze the market for health insurance, comparing and contrasting the role of private and public sector thereof.
Course No: PSECTE408
Title: Energy Economics
Course outcome:
1. To learn to apply theoretical knowledge to understand real economic issues.
2. To equip students with required knowledge to address the challenges of the energy sector
Course No: PSECTE409
Title: Indian Industry
Course outcome:
1. To acquire the ability to analyze the Industrial policy in India &changes in it during Pre and Post Reform period.
2. To examine the Financial Institutions for Industrial Development and Financial Health of a Firm.
3. To be able to extend knowledge about Employment dimensions, Industrial Relations, Social security measures in Indian Industry.
4. To understand Industrial legislations and recent Labour Reforms.
5. To be able to ascertain and analyze the current problems of different industries and growth of the industrial sector in J&K
Course No: PSECTE410
Title: Asian Economic Development
Course outcome:
1. To train to undertake research and writing on the economic development of Asian Economies, with particular emphasis on contemporary perspective.
2. To make the students understand the problems and debates in Asian economic growth, planning, economic reforms, public investment, and inflation.
3. To equip the students in current foreign trade, productivity growth, human capital, innovation and infrastructure development and gaps in Asian countries.
4. To impart the students to become applied development economics practitioners on successful completion of the course.
5. To enable the students to undertake comparative research and writing in the economic development of Asian Economies in contemporary scenario and futuristic outlook.
Course No: PSECTE411
Title: Econometrics – II
Course outcome:
1. To learn various statistical methods applicable to different topics in economics and those needed for applied economic research.
2. To enable students to learn multivariate methods and do multivariable data analysis in development-related studies.
Course No: PSECTE412
Title: Urban and Regional Economics
Course Outcome:
1. To examines the theories and models related to location.
2. To study and analyze the inter-regional models and factor mobility.
3. To enlighten the students with growth pole model, regional policy and environmental aspects of urban economy
Course No: PSECTE413
Title: Natural Resource Economics
Course Outcome:
1. To make the students aware of importance of relationship between population, food and environment, agriculture impact on environment, and sustainable agriculture.
2. To enlighten the students on the non-renewal resource, energy and economic systems, economics of recycling, economics of alternative energy and policies for energy transitions.
3. To enable the students to understand comprehensively the mechanism of renewable resource management.
4. To equip the students to apply the knowledge gained in research and writing on economics of forest and water management, policies for sustainable forest and water management and economics of pollution control.
5. To trained the students to apply the skills obtained in research and writing on green economy; tradeoff between protecting the environment and the economy, trade and environment, economics of sustainable development and policies.
Course No: PSECTE414
Title: Labour Economics
Course Outcome:
1. To evaluate and interpret the labour market policies of governments, unions and other actors in the labour market;
2. To Identify the actions of economic actors within the labour market, and identify various outcomes of the labour market, that are driven by economic incentives;
3. To critically analyze labour market quantitative research
4. To Synthesize information on different actors and outcomes across the various labour markets topics:
5. To analyze labour market issues through the application of economic data and theories.
Course No: PSECTE415
Title: Indian Agriculture
Course outcome:
1. Able to comprehend the role and function of agriculture in the economic development of Indian economy.
2. To understand and compare the growth trajectory of production and productivity before and after green revolution.
3. To land utilization pattern and study critically land reforms in India.
4. To understand the fundamentals of cooperative movement in India.
5. To study and analyze the extend of agriculture unemployment and problem of rural indebtedness in India.
6. To understand the basic issues regarding agriculture credit system in India.
7. Generate awareness and critically analysis about the role and function of Public Distribution in India
8. To gain the knowledge about the growth and importance of agriculture in international context
Course No: PSECTE416
Title: Economics of Gender
Course Outcome:
1. To understand the various concepts and development of policies on gender and choices executed by women concerning marriage and fertility.
2. To study the labour market participation of women, alongside government policies targeting those decisions.
3. To gain experience in evaluating how economic theory and practice fits into the larger social sciences goal of describing human behaviour by focusing on women and the family
Course No: PSECTE417
Title: Theory of Games and Information
Course Outcome:
1. To analyse game theory and information economics that currently exists in journal articles and oral tradition in a way that shows how to build simple models with few players who act “strategically” using a standard format.
2. To learn simple modelling techniques along with an understanding of game theory and information economics.
Course No: PSECTO418
Title: Indian Economic Policy and Planning
Course Outcome:
1. To acquaint the students in a comprehensive manner with different aspects of Indian economy.
2. To understand various policy issues and measures to understand economic initiatives for improving economic development and growth, agriculture and industry, planning of the different sectors of the economy and the place of Indian economy in the international level particularly after economic reforms are covered.
3. To sharpen the analytical faculty of the students to understand the whole system of Economic Policy in India.
Course No: PSECTO419
Title: Financial Institutions and Markets
Course Outcome:
1. To study the structure of financial market and the contents of financial assets.
2. To learn basic concepts, functions and tools of the financial market: securities, currency, loans, precious metals and precious stones.
3. To understand the challenges of uncertain environment of financial markets, assess them and take appropriate financial and investment decisions.
Name | Designation | Qualification | Specialization | Contact Info. |
Prof. Sunita Devi | Professor & Head | Industrial Economics Indian Economy, Human Resource Development | E-mail: sunitajammuuniversity65@gnail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9419605620 | |
Prof. Prakash C Antahal | Professor | Economics of Infrastructure, International Economics, Research Methods | E-mail: antahal@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419145175 | |
Prof. Aroon Sharma | Professor | Micro Economics, Mathematical Economics and Quantitative Methods | E-mail: aroon_datarpur@rediffmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419105892 | |
Prof. Jasbir Singh | Professor | Macro Economics, Rural Development, Gender Studies | E-mail: drjbsingh@yahoo.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419191137 | |
Prof. Dipankar Sengupta | Professor | Quantitative Techniques,Economic Theory, International Political Economy | E-mail: dsen68@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419168062 | |
Prof. Falendra K. Sudan | Professor | Environmental Economics, Demography, Sustainable Development | E-mail: fk_sud@rediffmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419213190 | |
Prof. Virender Koundal | Professor | Labour Economics, Financial Institutions, Rural Economy, Macro Economics | E-mail: virender_koundal@rediffmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419141369 | |
Dr. Manoj Bhatt | Professor | Econometrics, Public Economics | E-mail: manojbhatt@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9419332985 | |
Dr. Shallu Sehgal | Associate Professor | Industrial Economics, Agriculture Economics, Development Economics | E-mail: drshallusehgal@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9103010333 | |
Dr. Tsering Yangzom | Assistant Professor | Microeconomics, Econometrics and Public Economics | E-mail: tseringyanzomecoju@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: 9622140487 |