​​​Computer Laboratory: Air-conditioned  computer laboratory has a facility for internet for the students. Ssoftware such as IBM AMOS, NVIVO and Statcraft are installed.

Seminar hall: It is equipped with a Public Announcement System

Class rooms:  (04 No.)

Library: The departmental library has a rich collection of 2027 books and reference books.

Departmental Library


Psychological Testing Laboratory:  The department has a well-equipped laboratory with the latest psychological tests and tools for psycho diagnostics and clinical assessment. The psychological testing laboratory has nearly 300 standardized tests and tools for assessment and screening.  The faculty, research scholars, and students are proficient in Psychological testing using the tools available in the laboratory. 

Psychological Testing Laboratory

Experimental Laboratory: It holds equipment (around 60 No.s) for carrying out experimental research in psychology and training the students. Both manual and electronic equipment are available in the laboratory for experimental research in psycho-physiology, learning and perception.

Experimental Laboratory

Biofeedback Laboratory: 


It was established in 2018 for Cognitive- behavioural assessment. It has facilities for biofeedback, testing, counselling and psychotherapy. A Biofeedback machine for training and practice is available in the Biofeedback Laboratory. It could be used to help people develop new skills that may help them to better cope or perform.

Biofeedback Laboratory

Bio Lab









Other facilities:

  • Internet facility & Wi-fi (for faculty, and scholars), Photocopier, Scanner, Computers, Laptops, Heat-Pillars, CCTV, Inverter, Water Coolers with Water Purifiers, etc.
Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Prof. Sangita Gupta Professor and Head MA (English), M.Lib.I.Sc., One year Diploma in Computer Science, Ph.D. (Library and Information Science Public Library System, IT Application in Libraries, Green Libraries, Library Cataloguing, etc. E-mail: sangitauniv@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 979759707
Dr. Sarita Sood Assistant Professor M.A, B.Ed, Ph.D Counseling Psychology, Health Psychology, Positive Psychology E-mail: sarita.sood@yahoo.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9906040655
Dr. Karuna Gupta Lecturer (Contractual) M. A., Ph. D., PGDMH, CIG Counselling Psychology, Cognitive Psychology E-mail: karunaguptajmd@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 8713066256
Dr. Dharvinder Singh Lecturer (Contractual) M. A., Ph. D., PGDMH, CIG Clinical Psychology, Positive Psychology E-mail: darpan813@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9796229984
Dr. Ankita Choudhary Lecturer (Contractual) M. A., Ph. D. Psychology Educational Psychology E-mail: ankitapsy20@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 9682178255
Dr. Samriti Nathyal Lecturer (Contractual) M. A., Ph. D. Psychology Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology E-mail: samritinathyal1992@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: 7006772839