1. The most important specific outcome of the aforementioned Programme is to acquire the knowledge and wisdom of Buddhism from the original sources primarily because Gautama Buddha delivered his sermons and discourses in the Pali language only.  

2. The knowledge of the Pali language is the stepping stone of Buddhism that meandered from Theravada Buddhism to Mahayana Buddhism to Vajrayana Buddhism to Navayana Buddhism.

3. The knowledge of psychology and ethics is acquired because Theravada Buddhism is a psycho-ethical study. Thus, one can pursue a career of a psychologist.

4. Buddhism has a therapeutic value also because nowadays all over the world, the Shamatha-Vipassana is applied as a therapy to cure mental illness arising out of consumerism and cut-throat competition.

5. One can pursue one’s career in Pali Buddhism in South Asia and South-East Asia, such as Nepal, Sikkim, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and so forth.

6. One can pursue one’s career as an Art Historian.

7. Establishment of own avocation, for instance, Shamatha-Vipassana and Buddhist Meditation Centre.

Name Designation Qualification Specialization Contact Info.
Prof. Shohab Inayat Malik Professor & Head M.A. , M.Phil., Ph.D. Urdu Critique E-mail: profshohab.malik@gmail.comEPABX: Mobile No.: +919419181351
Prof. Ram Nandan Singh Professor M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. Pali Buddhism, Sanskrit Buddhism, Buddhist History. Art, Architecture and Archaeology E-mail: rnsingh.in@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: +919419668876
Dr. Rajesh Sharma Lecturer (Contractual) M.A., Ph.D. Buddhism in Jammu & Kashmir E-mail: rajeshsharmahgr@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: +919419113933
Dr. Ashwani Kumar Lecturer (Contractual) M.A., Ph.D. E-mail: ashwanikumaryouthactive@gmail.com EPABX: Mobile No.: +918825035911
Dr. Ekta Kumari Lecturer (Contractual) M.A. Ph.D. E-mail: EPABX: Mobile No.: