About University
About University

Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
1. | There shall be two scholarships for each class of the value shown against each :- | ||
a) | one merit scholarship @ Rs. 200/- p.m. | ||
b) | one merit-cum-means scholarship @ Rs. 200/- p.m. | ||
2. | a) | First and Second Semester Class | |
For one year, from the date of admission to the First Semester Class to the last date of the 2nd Semester examination. | |||
b) | 3rd and 4th Semester Class | ||
For one year, from the date of admission to the 3rd Semester Class to the last date of the 4th Semester examination. | |||
3. | The Scholarships will be awarded in the 1st Semester Class to the following categories of students :- | ||
1) | First Class Graduates. | ||
2) | Second Class Graduates with Honours in the concerned subject. | ||
3) | Second Class Graduates with at least 50% marks in the B.A. or B.Sc. or B.Com. examination in the subject taken up for Post-Graduate studies ; | ||
Provided that in the case of merit-cum-means scholarship, if no candidte fulfills the above requirements, the scholarship may be awarded to the next best candidate taking into consideration the aggregate marks and marks in the subject concerned at the B.A./B.Sc./ B.Com. examination. | |||
The Order of preference will be decided on the following basis :- | |||
i) | Honours in the concerned subject to be given perference over an ordinary graduate whatever the position in the pass course of the latter be: | ||
Provided that he has obtained second division in that course. | |||
ii) | The comparative merit shallbe decided in the following manner :- | ||
a) in the case of Honours graduates, the aggregate marks in the Honours subject concerned and pass course combined. b) in the case of graduates with pass course, | |||
3.A | Where the result of two candidates is bracketed for the award of Merit or Merit-cum-Means Scholarships, the result of the preceding examination of the applicants shall be taken into account to determine their inter-se-merit. | ||
4. | The scholarships in the 3rd Semester class will be awarded on the basis of the combined result of the first and second semesters examination. | ||
Provided that a candidate to be eligible to earn scholarship must have passed all the prescribed courses by securing at least 50% marks in the aggregate within a period of one academic year consisting of two semesters. | |||
5. | In case of merit-cum-means scholarship, the applicants of only those students the monthly income of whose father (or guardian, if father is dead) does not exceed Rs. 2500/- will be entertained. The income certificate should be signed by a Revenue Officer of Gazetted rank or a Magistrate First Class. | ||
The limit of monthly family income in the case of applicants for any means linked endowment/University Scholarship be revised to Rs. 2500/- p.m. and the following provision be made in the Regulations :- | |||
No Scholarship shall be granted to any student who has passed his B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. examination or M.A./M.Sc./M.Com. I & II Semester examinations by parts i.e. under compartment, exemption, illness, additional, English only and completion categories. | |||
The progress of the scholarship holder will be watched in the department term examinations and due consideration will be given to the seminar work, etc., of the student. In case it appears to the Head of the Department that the scholarship holder does not maintain the required progress, the scholarship granted to him can be withheld and granted to a more deserving student. | |||
Good conduct and regularity in attendance are also the required conditions for the award and continuance of the scholarships. | |||
A student will be eligible to get one scholarship at a time on the condition that he is not in receipt of any other scholarship or stipend from the State or the Central Government or the University Grants Commission or any other agency or any income through a part-time or a whole-time job. Students enjoying any such scholarship or stipend or any income will be required either to surrender it or the scholarship granted by the Department will be cancelled. Necessary undertaking will be secured from the student to this effect before any part of the scholarship is paid to him. | |||
Necessary deduction will be made for the days or part of the days the scholarship holder remains absent from the class. This will be calculated on the basis of the value of the scholarship and the number of working days in a particular month. | |||
The teaching staff of the Department will constitute the Selection Committee for assessing the merits of the applicants for scholarships. | |||
The Vice-Chancellor shall be the sanctioning authority for the scholarships. He is also competent to suspend or withhold a scholarship if it is reported that the progress or the conduct of the scholarship holder is not satisfactory. | |||
Such of the students as secure the first, second and third positions in the B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. examination of the University and may join a recognized University outside the jurisdiction of the University of Jammu for studying those post-graduate courses in which the teaching is not provided for in the University shall be granted merit scholarships of Rs. 50/-, Rs. 40/- and Rs. 30/- p.m. respectively subject to the provision of Statutes/Regulations governing the grant of Post-graduate scholarships. |