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Order/Circular No Order/Circular Date Sort ascending Subject
Estab/24/24604-703 (Children Education AIlowance/ Hostel Subsidy for the academic year 2023-2024) Circular
Estab/24/24504-603 ( 3-day Workshop for the implementation of NEP-2020) Circular
Fin./II/2023-24/9781-9880 (Further extension of three days for Re-appropriation of funds) Circular
JU/GH/24/757-857 (Guest House booking) Circular
Estab/24/23609-709 (Information required for the purpose of General Election to Lok Sabha-2024) Circular
F.Acd/I/24/14422-32 (Committee to review Fee Structure of JU) Order
F.Acd/I/24/14367-78 (Registration Fee Component in the Fee Structure----Design Your Degree FYUG Programme) Notification
Adm/TW/24/9149-56 (Deputation of Dr. Mandeep Singh, Asstt. Professor, Directorate of Sports and Physical Education, JU) Order
Adm/TW/24/9157-64 ( Relieving Order of Dr. Mandeep Singh, Asstt. Professor, Directorate of Sports and Physical Education, JU) Order
Estab./24/23341-441(In view of VVIP Visit, Work shall remain suspended in JU) Circular
Fin./II/2023-24/8800-03 (Re-appropriation Proposal) Circular
Estab./24/22940-040 (Adoption of J&K Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme) Order
Adm/TW/2024/9042-93 (Teaching Faculty Members/ Non-vacational Academic Staff) Circular
Estab/24/22675-22775 (Dr. Vinay Thusoo and Ms. Mansi Mantoo) Order
Estab/24/22442-22542 (Agreement Extended with the ABN Personnel Network for providing manpower) Circular
PA/REG/23-24/275-374 (JK Women Science Congress, 2024) Circular
HC/JU/24/1428-32 (Free Multi-Speciality medical camp at Health Centre JU) Circular
JU/NGEU/2024/220 (Schedule for General Election of the Non-Gazetted Employees Union) Circular
Estab./24/22116-216 (Guidelines issued regarding Tender) Circular
JU/HC/24/1384-87 (OPD services at Health Centre JU) Circular
Grants/2023-24/624-68 (Details of Scholars under MANF scheme) Circular
JUGH/24/866-965 (Guest House bookings) Circular
JU/E-Gov./23-24/727-755 (Reminder 2: Leave Management System in the Samarth ERP) Circular
PA/REG/2023-24/219-68 (Declaration of half day Public Holiday) Order
Estab/24/21653-753 (Notice for maintaining the decorum in JU Premises) Notice