About University
About University

Cradled in the lap of mountains at the foothills of auspicious Trikuta, besides the river Tawi at an altitude of 1030 ft. is Jammu. This 'city of temples' has many places...
Order/Circular No | Order/Circular Date Sort ascending | Subject |
Fin./24-25/8974-9124 (Request to frame the guidelines of Local, Consolidated funds, etc) | Circular | |
Fin./24-25/8823-8973 (Information regarding Local Fund and Consolidated Local Fund) | Circular | |
Fin/24-25/8504-8654 (Reminder-1) | Circular | |
Fin./2024-25/6576-6675 (Local Fund of the Department Expenditure) | Order | |
Fin./2024-25/6474-80 (Personal accidental insurance of the enrolled students in various Departments of the University) | Order | |
Fin./2024-25/4409-21 (Committee for the installation of CCTVs Fin. Year 2024-25) | Order | |
Fin./24-25/4058-4157 (Information regarding Local Fund and Consolidated Local Fund) | Circular | |
CAOJU/24-25/531-61(Recent Amendment in General Financial Rules (GFR)2017) | Recent amendments | |
Fin./24-25/2971-76 (Corrigendum-Competency upto Rs. 25000/- ) | Corrigendum | |
Fin/24-25/2582-88 (Committee for Social Infrastructure Fund, FY 2024-25) | Order | |
Fin./24-25/1984-88 (Various Proposals regarding purchase/hiring of service/repair submitted by different committees) | Circular | |
Fin./24-25/1578-1677 (Instructions for seeking sanctions/approvals from the Finance Wing) | Circular | |
Fin./24-25/1282-86 (Constitution of Committee for the day to day Purchase) | Order | |
Fin./24-25/1292-1300 (Self Financing Seat Fund & Infrastructure Fund) | Order | |
Fin./24-25/1145-54 (Constitution of the Telephone Allotment Committee, FY 2024-25) | Order | |
Fin./24-25/1122-31 (Constitution of a sub-committee for purchase of Computers and its allied items, FY 2024-25) | Order | |
Fin./24-25/1155-64 (Central Purchase Committee) | Order | |
Fin./2024-25/1026-28 (Implementation of the revised tarrif rates of University Guest House) | Order | |
Fin./24-25/457-556 (Proforma for Consolidated Local Fund) | Circular | |
Fin/2024-25/118-217 (Departmental Purchase Committees and Local Fund Committees) | Circular | |
Fin/2024-25/218-317 (New Committees, 2024-25) | Circular | |
Fin./2024-25/01-99 (All Sanctions issued for purchase/construction work/ hiring of services) | Order | |
Fin/2023-2024/10682-10781 (Proposals for purchase of Furniture items) | Circular | |
Fin/2023-24/9303-10 (Prior approvals---DIQA Fund) | Circular | |
Fin/2023-24/9295-9302 (Proposals in respect of the allocated budgetary provisions) | Circular | |
Fin/2023-24 /8409-16 (Budgetary Provisions) | Circular | |
F.Acd/I/23/11432-11441 (Revised Fee structure of Hostels) | Notification | |
Accts/Cir/23/87-92 (Amendment of GFR rule 149 vide OM No. F. 1-26-2018-PPD 2019 by Finance Dept.) | Circular | |
Fin.//23-24/4700-01 (Committee- Centralized Budget Head) | Order , Corrigendum | |
Fin./2023-24/4530-38 (CAG Audit) | Circular | |
Fin./2023-24/4326-32 (Proposal without GeM or without GST bills/ quotations) | Circular | |
Fin./2023-24/3730-36 (CCTVs installation Committee Members) | Order | |
Grants/2023-24/106-132 (No claim of HRA without NOC) | Circular | |
Fin./2023-24/222-29(Committee members for the Installation of CCTVs, JU) | Order | |
Fin./2023-24/851-59(Irregular procurement of works on GeM) | Circular | |
Fin./2023-24/860-68(Creation of Custom/BoQ bids for regular category on GeM) | Circular | |
Fin./23-24/133-232(Re-validation of all the ongoing sanctions issued by debit to internal Resources/ Local Funds of JU) | Circular | |
Fin/23/8957-75 (Chartered Accountants for FY 2023-24 to 2024-25) | Order | |
Fin.II/22-23/7659-7759 (Under-utilization of Budgetary Provisions) | Circular | |
Fin./2022-23/7591-97(Asstt. Registrar Accounts, on account of Insurance payment) | Order | |
Fin./2022-23/6682-89 (All the Proposals in respect of the allocated Budgetory Provisions) | Circular | |
Fin./II/2022-23/7011-7110 (Allocations released to different Offices/ Departments/ Centres) | Circular | |
Fin/2022-23/5385-91 (Clear long outstanding payments of suppliers) | Circular | |
ITX/22-23/88-90(University of Horticultural Science-Financial Transactions) | Circular | |
Fin./2022-23/3998-4004 (Committee Members for the repair as well as purchase of the spare parts) | Order | |
Fin/2022-23/3253-57 (Support for continuation of UGC scheme for Merged Grant under 12th plan) | Order | |
Fin/2022-23/3263-67 (Value added courses) | Order | |
Fin/2022-23/3268-73 (Expenditure on skilled based courses) | Order | |
Fin/2022-23/3246-52 (Seed Grant for Research to Asstt. Professors) | Order | |
Fin./2022-23/2109-26 (Record Note of the CoS meeting, J&K UT) | Circular | |
Fin./2022-23/2024-31(Members for Installation of the CCTVs in JU) | Order | |
Fin./2022-23/1713-83 (Information for Heads/ Directors of the Departments for replacing Non-LED lamps with LED lamps) | Order | |
Fin./2022-23/1475-83( Upload Payments on GeM Portals) | Circular | |
Fin./2022-23/1174-80 (Order: Computers and its related items) | Order | |
Grants/2022-23/51(Overhead grant, UOJRF Fund) | Order | |
Fin./2022-23/86-92(Departmental Purchase Committees / Local Fund Committees) | Circular | |
GPF/Adm/22/1965-1035(TDS, FY 2021-22) | Order | |
Fin./2021-22/9254-58(Performance Security by GOI) | Order | |
Grants/2021-22/1385(Projects Bills) | Circular | |
Fin./2021-22/4761-4840 (Budgetary Provisions, FY 2021-22) | Circular | |
Fin/2021-22/4543-49 (Rates of Liveries and Uniforms) | Order | |
Fin/2021-22/4494-4501 (Ceiling limit of furniture items) | Order | |
Fin/2021-22/4482-89 (Purchase of Telephone and Allied Accessories through GEM) | Order | |
Fin/2021-22/4356-61 (Insurance Subscription Charges) | Order | |
Fin/2021-22/2599-2605 (Empanelment of Chartered Accountant) | Order , Order | |
Fin/2021-22/34-42 (Departmental Committees/ Local Fund Committees) | Circular | |
No/itx/2020-21/108-10 (TDS) | Circular | |
Fin/2020-21/6600-94 (Financial Powers) | Circular | |
Fin/2020-21/4770-4869 (Proposals) | Circular | |
Accounts/Salary/2021/2086-2168 (Submit pending documents for Income tax rebate) | Circular | |
JR(F)/21/1280-1380 (CAO) | Circular | |
Fin/2020-21/4368-4467 (Performance security) | Circular | |
Fin/2020-21/II/4314-54 (Utilize 100% of the allocations by 15th Feb., 2021) | Circular | |
Fin/2020-21/4163-71 (Procedure to be followed for the procurement under single tender enquiry) | Circular | |
Fin/2020-21/2240-2300 (Seek prior approvals for travels) | Circular | |
Fin/2020-21/II/2017-77 (Utilize 75% of the allocations) | Circular | |
Fin/2019-20/8818-25 (Closure of Financial year 2019-20) | Circular | |
Fin/2019-20/8806-13 (Rates of refilling of Fire Extinguishers) | Order | |
Fin/2019-20/8747-51 (Rates for printing of Coffee Table Book) | Circular | |
Fin/2019-20/8404-84 (Procurement through GeM | Circular | |
Fin/2019-20/8048-88 (Purchase of Goods and Services as per GFR-2017 norms, GEM) | Circular | |
Fin/2019-20/7946-54 (Printing and Binding) | Order | |
Fin/2019-20/7914-22 (Repair of DP boxes) | Order | |
Fin/2019-20/7488-91 (Rate of Good Earth FYM Carriage of Mulba) | Order | |
Fin/2019-20/7478-81 (Rates of Tools and Implements) | Order | |
Fin/2019-20/7484-87 (Rates of Grass turf. Annual Seeds/ Annual Seeding etc.) | Order | |
Fin/2019-20/6729-36 (Furnish digital photographs of tents/ infrastructure) | Circular | |
Fin/2019-20/6610-17 (Purchases of Identity Cards for employees & Students, Crockery Items, Flex Banner, Board and Name Plates, Curtains and Vertical/ Horizontal Blinds) | Order | |
Fin/2019-20/6324-6364 (Implement SOP for effective purchases through GeM portal) | Circular | |
Fin/2019-20/5988-96(Prior approval for organizing the events or others) | Circular | |
Fin/2019-20/5839-47(Restricted use of Plastic Bottles in the events) | Circular | |
Fin/2019-20/5415-23 (Rates of Liveries & Uniforms) | Order | |
Fin/2019-20/5424-33 (Repair of furniture) | Order | |
Fin/2019-20/4547-4627 (Depositing 85% overhead grants) | Order | |
Fin/2019-20/4062-67 (Specification of the Desktop Computers) | Order | |
Fin/2019-20/3118-23 (Insurance subscription charges) | Order | |
Fin/2019-20/2549-56 (Resultion No. 85.11 passed by the 85th University Council) | Notification | |
Fin/2019-20/665-72 (GFR-2017) | Order | |
Fin/2019-20/414-94(Implementation of GFR-2017- Flow Chart) | Circular | |
Fin/2019-20/157-64 (Proposals for constitution of Dept. Purchase Committee/ Local Fund Committees) | Circular | |
Fin/2018-19/10087-93 (Addition of four more toners in existing list) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/8709-15 (Amended version of GFR-2017) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/8581-86 (Addition of two more toners) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/8387-8467 (Implementation of GFR-2017- Flow Chart) | Circular | |
Fin/2018-19/8309-16 (Budget & Finance during closure of financial year 2018-19) | Circular | |
Fin/2018-19/8277-84 (Accord of sanctions on account of Seminars/ Symposia/ Conferences in the University) | Circular | |
Fin/2018-19/7533-40 (Purchase of Executives files & Teaching Accessories) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/7391-98 (Rates of repair of Water Purifier) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/7421-24 (Website development) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/7384-90 (Rates of Vertical/ Horizontal Blinds) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/7404-11 (Modification in the GFR-2005 certificate) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/7302-07 (Rates of Computer Accessories, SMF Batteries & Online UPS) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/7296-7301 (Approved rates of Liveries & Uniform) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/7209-69 (Implementation of General Financial Rule-2017 (GFR-2017)) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/7145-50 (Approved rates of Jacket (Khakhi)) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/6887-92 (Approved rates of Hot & Cold weather items) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/6444-51 (Purchase of Local Furniture) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/6541-47 (Processing of Purchase Proposals) | Circular | |
Fin/2018-19/6413-20 (Purchase of curtains & their stitching charges) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/6383-90 (Printing of Flex banners) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/6391-98 (Purchase of Fire extinguisher & Refilling) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/6370-77 (Rates of stationery) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/7241-49 (Rates for the purchase of Curtains) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/6318-25 (Purchase of Identity Cards of the Employees) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/6310-17 (Purchase of Telephone and Allied Accessories) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/6332-39 (Amended version of GFR-2005 certificates) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/6247-54 (Sub committee for survey of Liveries & Uniform) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/6258-65 (Rates of Water Purifier make Kent Ultra & Kent Ultra Storage) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/6077-83 (Rates of Inverters & Batteries (Luminous brand)) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/6035-41 (Sub committee for survey of Hot & Cold Weather Items) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/5774-81 (Purchase of branded furniture items) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/5714-22 (Purchase of Photocopier & Fax Machines) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/5446-53 (Rates of Printing Papers & Photostat Paper) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/5454-67 (Committee for installation of CCTV) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/6067-75 (Austerity Measures in Govt. spending) | Circular | |
Fin/2018-19/4904-07 (Rates of different sizes of Envelopes cloth lined/ without cloth lined) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/4367-75 (Bills/ Performa invoices having GST/ TIN No) | Circular | |
Fin/2017-18/4100-08 (Purchase 7 installations of CCTV's) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/4078-85 (Deputation of Research Scholars/ JRF/ SRF and other Project personnels) | Circular | |
Fin/2017-18/2978-84 (Renewal of MOU with HP through M/s Hewlett Packard India Sales Ltd.) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/379-458 (Information for Heads of the Departments/ Director/ Branch Officers) | Circular | |
Fin/2018-19/302-78 (Information for Heads of the Departments/ Director/ Branch Officers) | Circular | |
Fin/2018-19/120-200 (Chartered Accountants for two years) | Order | |
Fin/2018-19/17-97 (Constitution of Departmental Purchase Committees/ Local Fund Committees) | Circular | |
Fin/2017-18/10552-59 (Rates of CCTV Cameras and related Accessories) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/4028-36 (Rates of File Cover (Superior type)) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/4004-12 (Rates of Almirah Steel Glass Face) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/9142-49 (Purchases of Alkon/ Alkosign/ Eslee's Files & Folders/ Staedtlers Products) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/9074-81 (Rates for the purchase of flex banner, board and name plates) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/9057-64 (Rates for the purchase of Stationery Items) | Order | |
in/2017-18/7907-11 (Implementation of ERP) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/II/7266-73 (Revenue Account (Non-Plan)) | Circular | |
Fin/2017-18/7232-40 (Rates for the purchase of Hot & Cold weather Items) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/7250-58 (Rates for the purchase of Water Purifier) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/7223-31 (Rates for the purchase of Local Furniture) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/6946-53 (Rates of Fire Extinguishers) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/6967-74 (Rates of Vertical Blinds) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/6920-28 (Rates of Printing & Binding) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/6434-40 (United India Assurance Company Ltd. - Student Insurance) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/II/6239-46 (Revenue Account) | Circular | |
Fin/2017-18/6025-27 (Internet & Networking Committee) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/5712-18 (Rates of Liveries & Uniforms) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/5726-32 (Rates for Telephone & Allied Accessories) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/5719-25 (Rates for repair of Water Purifier) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/4435-4515 (Reduced/ revised rates of cartidge/ tonners) | Order | |
Fin/2017-18/6954-63 (Rates of Refilling of Fire Extinguishers) | Order |